23 d

What is traits of a dominant man? That is not controlling or slips over into abusive?

I thought I wanted a dominant man. But all I get is possessive, untrustworthy, jealous, controlling types. Maybe I need to stop using the word dominant. I don't want a man that sits back and let's the woman organise everything and make all the decisions. I want a man who is responsible but also adventurous. A man with goals or aspirations. A man who wants to work towards bettering himself and his life. Not just happy to wallow and be lazy. I want a man who is strong, protective and can take the lead. But also cares and considers me and is not afraid to show his emotions to me. Show me that he adores me as much as i him. Maybe I should say I want a confident man? Is that better? Cos if i say dominant I get men who then think I'm submissive and want to be controlled. And I don't.

What is traits of a dominant man? That is not controlling or slips over into abusive?
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