- u1 mo
1. "Guys don’t take me seriously" If most guys treat you that way, it is probably a reaction to something that you are doing.
2. "then they get mad that I treat them like shit," No one else is surprised to hear that guys react that way; are you?
3. You post a picture of a guy you were dating and you call him "ugly." Do you enjoy being mean?
4. "am I wrong to be this way?" If anyone says you are right, does that mean you will keep doing the same things? If so, guess how that turns out!
How is all of this working out for you? I doubt you are happy.
20 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
Well i'm sure there is much nore than meets the eye... Definition of Serious? What is that you actually BEEN SERIOUS ABOUT and the man that you dated didn't do or said? Sounds like is either Your Way or No way, which proves the "feminism point"...🤦♂️
And posting a guy without his knowledge, that is Bad... very Bad, as his "image" could get trolled/defaimed without reason nor knowledge of what went wrong/good...🤔00 Reply
2.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. You seriously need to take a step back, look at yourself, and start asking yourself why guys are treating you this way.
01 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Don't post pictures of other people in an attempt to put them on blast, that's petty and childish. If a guy doesn't take you seriously, stop wasting time and creating drama by treating him like shit. Just move on with your life and find a guy that does take you seriously.
10 ReplyIn what ways do guys not take you seriously? Because it seems to me like you aren't taking them seriously either. You admitted you treat them like shit, then you called the guy you were dating in the picture ugly. Yes, you're wrong to be that way.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
The fact that you "treat guys like shit" when you feel like they don’t take you seriously, and you post a photo of a guy you were dating and call him ugly, speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. You are a shitty human being who blames everyone else for your fails.
You obviously need to take about three steps back, pick up a mirror and see who you have become, and then figure out how to become a better human being.
00 Reply - 1 mo
Would it matter if anyone said you WERE wrong? I can't see you changing your character because of what random people say in response to that question!
00 Reply 2K opinions shared on Dating topic. No, no, you should definitely keep doing that.
10 Reply- 1 mo
"Ugly guy I was dating" Good job, you played yourself! @736_switch_blade
03 Reply- 1 mo
Everybody says he is ugly. It’s the truth
- 1 mo
... But YOU still chose to date him. 100% on you, girl. Dam women refuse accountability like the plague! - 1 mo
I haven’t said I didn’t date him.
5.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. In what way do you guys not take you seriously? I think guys would just probably dislike you because of the way you treat them. Posting a picture of somebody and calling him ugly is a really ugly thing for you to do.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I guess it depends on the different levels of treatment. Escalation is almost never a good idea.
00 Reply You call him ugly and then you date him. What a fucking idiot 🤣 I think you deserve everything life has to offer you.
01 Reply- 1 mo
He is ugly dude
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
I just prayed for the person behind this id. Any other believers that see this, please do the same.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
The fact that you posted a picture of a guy (probably without him knowing) and called him ugly explains why guys don't like you.
"I treat men like shit and they get mad" duh
10 Reply - 1 mo
Your I securities and lack of confidence I'd guess
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Ok please explain in what ways they don’t take you serious? Like in a relationship?
00 Reply this might be the dumbest thing I seen in a minute
00 Reply- 1 mo
That pizza looks good!
00 Reply - 1 mo
Why should you ever treat people like shit?
00 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Do you think that you might be too harsh?
00 Replyyes.
00 Reply
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