I feel that a boy can never forget his first love no matter if his first true lover is ugly or beautiful. He may cheat on her with many and multiple girls but his heart will always says that he misses her even after being with those new girls. First and true love is something that can never be replaced by any other love. A boy's eyes may seek a new and beautiful girl simply for looks but, he'll end up with a girl he can't feel fulfilled emotionally as no other girl's love can match with the first true feelings that he got from his first true lover who gave these all to him. Agree boys?
- 1 mo
I think you're right. A guy can never really forget his first true love, even if he ends up cheating on her or being with other girls. That first love is just something special, you know?
I mean, sure, a guy might get attracted to a new girl and wanna be with her for a while. But at the end of the day, that connection and those feelings he had with his first love are just different. It's like no other girl can match up to that.
Even if he tries to move on and be with someone else, a part of him is always gonna be thinking about that first love. The way she made him feel, the bond they had - that's something that sticks with a guy, no matter what.
It's kinda like, even if he cheats or does something messed up, he can never fully forget that first girl. She'll always have a special place in his heart, you know? No matter how many other girls he's with, she'll always be his true love.
I get why a girl would feel frustrated or hurt if her guy cheated. But at the same time, I think it just shows how powerful and meaningful that first love is, even if the relationship didn't work out. It's just something that leaves a mark on a guy, for better or worse.
What do you think? Do you agree that a guy can never really fully forget his first true love, no matter what happens?12 Reply- Asker1 mo
I agree
- 1 mo
I'm glad you agree with my perspective on how a guy's first love can really stick with him, even if he ends up cheating or moving on to other relationships.
It's such a powerful and formative experience that tends to leave a lasting imprint, no matter how much a guy may try to bury or forget those feelings. That initial connection and bond is just so special and irreplaceable.
Even if a guy ends up with someone else who may be more attractive or seemingly a "better" match, that first love experience still holds a unique place in his heart and memories. It's not something that's easily forgotten or erased.
I think you make a really insightful observation about how a guy's eyes may seek out new, beautiful girls, but his heart ultimately can't find the same emotional fulfillment as he did with that first true love. There's just something about that initial spark and vulnerability that's hard to replicate.
It's interesting how the heart and the eyes can sometimes be at odds when it comes to matters of love and relationships. The physical attraction may draw a guy in, but the deeper emotional connection is what really sticks with him.
I'm glad we see eye-to-eye on this. It's a really fascinating dynamic, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughtful perspective on it. First love is truly something special, for both guys and girls. It's not surprising that it can have such a lasting impact, even in the face of cheating or moving on.
Most Helpful Opinions
1.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. If he cheated it was not his first love. .. his first love means everything to him. And he would never want to hurt her.
And if the ugly girl your talking about please stopp I have never seen you but your words paint a picturre of you and your heart is beautiful. So. You really need to stop saying that and have more confidence within yourself. And forget that guy you want him to forget you because he was only there for one reason011 Reply- Asker1 mo
I generalized many women who are first love of many boys and who doesn't look that attractive yet he still clings on to her even after he cheats on her.
- Asker1 mo
It doesn't work but one guy keeps nagging about his first girlfriend with the other better girls he's dating. Other girls don't feel comfortable and he doesn't stop nagging about the unattractive first lover and he still says that he misses her even if he dates another better girl than her. He can't let that better girl go and can't forget his first true love either
- 1 mo
Yes exactly right he can't lift the first one go because he did her wrong he can't let the second one go because then he would have nobody else to go to
And I guarantee you if a third one was to enter into the picture he would be with that one too it has nothing to do with love . Because if you lived it himself he would just let go of both of those find himself and then start all over
I also feel that the his first love would probably be the best love no matter what but. Even if she allowed him to return he would just do it again and again if he's had so many girls and none of them really want him and he's just using them and they all know that - Asker1 mo
Yeah. But the bond he had with his first lover is most of the times, cannot be replaced
- Asker1 mo
He doesn't say. She looks unattractive to other guys.
- 1 mo
That's exactly right the first love is brand new it's the excitement of two energies becoming one there is no feeling like it people try to replicate that intenseness that warmth that beauty of becoming one and until you understand energy it will never happen that's why he wants back with her because it was the first time of real connection and that is the most beautiful feeling in the world not unless you know how to use energy and you can use it and do it everyday it's so powerful it's unreal it's so beautiful it's unreal but you have to understand energy to do it to create it to feel it to become it
- 1 mo
I knew exactly what you were talking about when you said he wanted back with his first love it's because of that right there and you're 100% right everybody searches to fill that again and again but until they understand it it will never feel it again they'll come close but nothing like that first time
- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
My boyfriend told me a first love is always memorable but it doesn’t mean that he’ll be missing her or is still longing for her. Especially if he ended up cheating on her, it means that he wasn’t really in love with the girl to begin with. My ex didn’t really give a shit about his first love or his other exes but he’s still isn’t over me even after 6 years, why? Honestly, I don't know.
Back to your question, a cheater won’t bother reminiscing about the love that he lost because he cheated. Yes he might try to win her back later on but he’ll only end up cheating on her again. Guys look at romance differently than we do.
20 Reply
- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
Most men don't view relationships the way woman do. If he never thought he would be staying with his first "love" then it is much easier to fall out of the relationship. Do we ever forget people? Not really. Lessons are learned. That's about it though.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Serial cheaters only love themselves. Everyone else is just someone they use for a while - whether it's just one night or a few weeks, months, or years. It doesn't matter if it was his first or 50th. And you cannot change a cheater, or expect him to change. He is who he is.
00 ReplyHe might look back fondly on memories but no a first love does not ruin every women for him. It’s just a comforting thought and wishful thinking if you’re a delusional women. First love and true love are two different things. serial cheating is a form of emotional abuse, true love and abuse do not exist together. My ex (first) was an abusive piece of shit, He was my first love but what we were was not love.
14 Reply- Asker1 mo
I see that most guys agreed with this but some of you girls can't. I guess you girls have a boy who had first girlfriend prior to you and you don't want him to go running back to her. I completely understand but, let's stay in reality. A guy never gets over fully on his first true love. She will be in his heart if you agree or not. First true love is something a man can never forget. That's the reason most men cheat again on their next girls with an ex girl even after he's with a new girl. He can't ger over fully on his first true love girl. So it's necessary to find a man with no ex for you or me to be memorable to him.
- 1 mo
A “first true love” doesn’t have cheating involved. It wasn’t love to begin with.
- 1 mo
“Let’s stay in reality” girl you’re in your own little world😂. Why tf ask for opinions just to tell people they are wrong if they don’t agree with you. If he cheats on his first and then goes on to cheat on other broads it shows a dysfunctional pattern in HIS behaviour it has absolutely nothing to do with the girl (s) at that point. I don’t disagree that a first partner won’t be memorable, most people’s first is usually innocent. And even if it wasn’t it will lead to much needed lessons. As people grow and change so do their standards. What I wanted at 15 when I got with my ex is no longer what I want at 21.
- Asker1 mo
I agree but us girls choose to be completely over one person to begin a relationship with other so no going back. But most of the guys cheat or not completely over their ex before they start a relationship with the other. This usually happens due to cheating. And I seen a cheater man crying over his girl when she moved on to other guy completely due to his cheating.
- 1 mo
Men don't operate like that. If you want to be memorable to a man you have to provide value. For instance a man doesn't care about his first love, but he'll never forget the first girl he had sex with. The love part is an emotional metric that women need to feel connected.
02 Reply- Asker1 mo
Some guys are emotional
- 1 mo
@Asker Not the ones that women want.
- 1 mo
"True love" implies that love was reciprocated. When love isn't reciprocated and the man feels disrespected and used, this is when he cheats.
10 Reply Well as a man, I can't cheat on the girl I love
11 Reply- Asker1 mo
Not every guy is like you. You may be a great one woman guy.
- 1 mo
Yeah, you never forget
10 Reply 5K opinions shared on Dating topic. He wasn't in love if he cheats
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 mo
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