The older you get, the less you remember about your past.
Here's a simple memory test...
Do you remember the Full Name of the Date you took to your High School Prom?
You don't have to say who it was, just vote in the poll.
The older you get, the less you remember about your past.
Here's a simple memory test...
Do you remember the Full Name of the Date you took to your High School Prom?
You don't have to say who it was, just vote in the poll.
Convict Lake, California was my prom date. Hell no I did not go to effing prom! It fell on my birthday. The girl who wanted me to take her - I remember her full name as well, I told no because I was going fishing for my birthday and had zero interest in spending a butt load of money on my birthday attending something I really had no interest in attending in the first place … even if she is the prettiest girl on campus. Her response to this as she continued running her fingers through my hair was, “I understand.” Not that she didn’t try her feminine wears on me try and cajole me otherwise. Nope, fishing at Convict wins all day long! Especially the creeks….
Convict Lake. My family was from Bodie.
@Caroline91 Bodie, eh? I went once long ago just me and my Dad while camping the Owens River. How long did your family remain in Bodie?
From its start in 1859 to when the last people were put out by the federal government in the 1960s. They brought the lumber in to build the town and had to have armed guards sit on every shipment until it was all sold. The Paiute side of the family were the last people living there when it became a National Park. Did you grow up in Bushop?
That is really fascinating! No, I was in Riverside. I am in the mountains now.
Not a whole lot if people outside of Inyo/Mono counties know about Convict Lake. I hope you have your one we’ll fireproofed.
Oh you would be surprised. A whole lot of us know about Convict Lake. All up and down that 395 we know fairly well. I have hit lots of the creeks, streams, and rivers clear into Nevada. We haven’t even had snow yet this season … dry and windy.
*home well fireproofed... Hate autocorrect
I imagine that's true about 395. Not that familiar with it south of Ridgecrest. Pretty lonely stretch of road. I'm not one to believe in a lot of things, but I had a pretty weird experience driving alone on 395 between Coso Junction and Ridgecrest. It was a clear sunny day with not much wind and all of a sudden I felt like I was floating up off of the driver seat and like the whole car was about to float up, and there was a huge shadow over just my car. I leaned forward to look up out of the windshield and there was this huge black thing that looked like a Stealth Bomber flying right over me and keeping pace with my car, at about 80 mph. But a plane shouldn't be able to fly that low or that slow speed. Then, it just lifted straight up and took off. I guess I'll never know what it was. It was pretty spooky.
My only experience in the Ridgecrest area was getting pulled over by CHP on that ling downhill while passing an old station wagon my last day of being 20. It was while on my way to Convict. No where near the same as your experience.
I caught what you meant. Yeah, auto-correct is a kick in the pants at times.
it'd be impossible to forget as I married her, we've been together for over fifty years. Many of my friends are on their second or third wife while I still on my first and only.
I know several couples who were dating in HS who are still married. I guess they got it right the first time. I even know a couple who were dating in 8th grade who are still married.
I remember his full name. His first name was Todd, there were only two Todd's that I knew while going to school and even outside of school (it's actually not a very common name). The first day I started my current job, my floor supervisor introduced himself, yes, his name was Todd 😂 It made me think of my Todd 😊
Yeah I went to 2 . 1 with my husband and 1 with my ex girlfriend. I remember both their names lol
I had three prom dates- one my junior year, a different girl my senior year, and a friend of mine the year after I graduated (it was her prom we attended). I remember all three if their names although it’s been 35 years.
I did not attend prom when i was a junior and i was in college for my senior year, so i never attended prom. I did attend fraternity formals.
I still remember the names of all my high-school classmates... full names included
yeah... not only I was forced to pass the list a few times, and review exams... but I was also into memorizing exercises... lol
my high-school girlfriend and I... skipped prom... to go somewhere else though... lmao
I would go with you based on how level headed you are
@Babygirl_S and I am quite sure we could have a wonderful night (=
But I remember the entire name of the person I WANTED to go with. Mom wouldn't let me: Joe Keegan. A lovely guy. He was the wrong color though!!
First, I'd have to find out when my prom was because, to this date, I didn't even know there WAS one and, secondly, I'd have to check the TV Guide of that night in `75 to find out what I was watching that night because, I never went to it.
Yeah. Actually my girlfriend just got caught cheating a little before prom so I took her hotter best friend instead. We were all friends. Good times.
I didn't go to the prom. However I do recall that a young lady was interested in going with me but it just wasn't my cup of tea at the time. Yes I do remember her full name.
I went with my best friend and two others. While I've only kept in touch with one i still remember the others names, 16 years later.
Of course I remember his name. He didn't have a middle name though so it made answering your questions easier 🙂
Yes, I married him. I remember slow dancing with him and I could feel it pressed up against me. He kinda felt weird being there because he had graduated 10 years before
Thank God, we don't have that here in Germany. At least we didn't and still don't have that at my "high school"
I have an awesome long term memory ( for some reason ) and I remember details well beyond stuff like this... I dont know how.
I did not go to the prom but I remember the girl that asked me to go with her.
She was my girlfriend for the next two years after we left school and we're still friends now.
Other: it was a strange foreign thing that didn't happen in the UK.
Didn't take one. There was someone who I would have happily taken, not going to name her.
The Americanisation of the UK hadn't progressed that far back then so we didn't have Proms here back then.
@rachel776 🍸🍹🥂🥃 🏴🤣😂🤣
It was my first real girlfriend, so yes I remember her full name, middle included, and birthday.
I thought I was in love at the time. No way I’d forget
I remember the first and last name. I don’t think I ever knew her middle name
I didn't go because I couldn't afford a decent car and didn't know the people I know now
I didn't have a high school prom, cause I graduated high school in the COVID year.
I didn't go to the prom because I knew that I would have to go without a date.
Yes, but only because we wee good friends and went out as just friends (no girlfriend until college).
Homecoming? No. She was a friend's friend's younger cousin.
Mine. I went by myself. :')
The prom is up coming. In may.
Have you asked your date yet? Enjoy!
Huckleberry Dilinger
I had no reason to go to the prom.
Indians don’t have proms
Why was Kanye singing love lockdown? How is a lockdown considered love?
I remember her full name very well.
I never went to prom
I didn’t go to high school or the prom
Didn't go to any of those trad HS events.
I went to three different Proms
I remember both of their first names.
Absolutely. Can't imagine forgetting it.
That easy dud not go lol
Of course!!! Still friends with her!!!
Yes, Miss Budwieser!
Yes my ex husband.
Kait Patterson
I never went
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