Haven't heard from the guy I'm seeing in a couple days, what is up?

I've been dating this guy who I knew from high school for a couple weeks. Just casual nothing serious but all my friends say when we hang out we act like a couple he's always holding me and we kiss when we greet each other and he introduces me to his friends.

I slept over his place on Friday night and we had fun and Saturday morning we had fun just chatting and stuff and he said lets get brunch don't leave yet, but I had to go meet a friend and wanted to shower and stuff

Normally he texts me every day but now I haven't heard from him for 3 days and I don't know what's going on. Nothing has changed as far as I know. I texted him Saturday night asking what he was doing and he responded asking where I was going and when we were gonna hang and stuff but now I haven't heard from him since then and he normally texts me a lot so now I'm concerned.

Should I text him first or wait till he comes to me? I hate games but I know guys like to play them and my friends keep telling me to wait till he texts me because I need to make him think that I don't miss him. Not sure if that is the best advice.

Text him
Wait for him to text you
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Haven't heard from the guy I'm seeing in a couple days, what is up?
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