Am I too old to have my first boyfriend now?

I´m 25 years old and I never had a boyfriend before. If you saw me you would think I´m lying, but I never did.

The thing is I met someone really cool. He is gorgeous, around my age and he flirts with me constantly. I really like him, but I feel so embarrassed about my age and the fact I never even went on a date before.

There´s nothing weird with me, it´s just that I used to be very shy (I´m kind of changing now or growing up, who knows) and I always felt uncomfortable in the whole situation so I tended to avoid it.

I feel extremely old to be going through this I think I don´t even have the right to ask for something special, meaningful or anything. I feel I´m too old to have romantic first dates or a great first kiss.

I also feel embarrassed because if he asks me if I´ve been seeing someone lately, what am I supposed to say? Won´t he feel uncomfortable or feel too much pressure if he knows he´s the first guy I dated?

Am I too old to have my first boyfriend now?
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