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9 mo

Do I have to be afraid that my boyfriend/husband will leave me for someone hotter once he has become successful?

You don't have to be "afraid" but you do have to come to terms with that fact that we cannot control other people's intentions and actions so it is definitely something that CAN happen and we can... Relationships

9 mo

Why do some women think not having an education or a career is a good thing?

Mainly because a lot of women are taught that the very natural and normal experience of going through stress in school and work in a capitalistic world is somehow us going against our nature and... Dating

9 mo

Is it okay for me to want to be a stay at home girlfriend/wife?

It is okay but very risky. You are most likely better off not pursuing it if you don't have anything of your own to help you sustain yourself, lest you ever find yourself in a situation where you... Relationships

9 mo

Are there topics you can't/shouldn't joke about? Why or why not?

You should not be able to make jokes at the expense of other people. And I'm saying this as a generally funny person myself. Humor is subjective and not everyone's humor is my type and vice versa... Entertainment & Arts

9 mo

Why do people get married if they just end up hating each other?

Because we are terrible at discerning the right partners for ourselves and we marry for all the wrong reasons. Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

Why is makeup a requirement to look pretty?

You don't have to. I don't wear makeup on a daily basis either, not do many girls and women out there. It's okay. Also, makeup won't worsen your skin if you use the right ingredients for your... Fashion & Beauty

9 mo

Which gender tends to have more commitment issues?

Watch who runs away when you talk about marriage and kids lol. Men can't tell women that they lack commitment because leaving shitty relationships/marriages. Relationships

9 mo

My boyfriend's ex is looking at my Instagram stories every day. Should I tell my boyfriend or just block her?

She will most likely just create more accounts and keep snooping if you block her. But I do recommend that let your partner know whether or not you decide to block her. I don't think he should be... Relationships

9 mo

Why is it so hard to find high quality men?

First off, literally every women who has set her foot in the dating world has encountered shitty men. The problem isn't with attracting shitty men, they always exist, but rather how we deal with... Dating

9 mo

Have you ever met any so called 'covert narcissists'?

I have a suspicion that one of my exes was a covert narcissist. But I surely know that another ex of mine was DEFINITELY an overt narcissist. Good thing I stayed out of dating for a bit and took... Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Is it okay to wear makeup everyday? I just don't like myself w/o makeup, but no one has really seen me without makeup?

I think it is okay to wear makeup as much or as little as you wish but either way it is important that you are comfortable with how you look without it. If you do want to build that confidence you... Fashion & Beauty

9 mo

Do you feel flattered when people who are 15, 20, 25 years older than you, check you out?

I don't feel flattered by anyone checking me out regardless of age. The only exception is my partner because he has my consent. Society & Politics

9 mo

What is the best advice related to relationships that you can give to someone?

Dating life will become much more enjoyable when you accept that rejections are normal. Dating

9 mo

Should the father be in the birthroom?

It's not pleasant for a man to see but for a woman to literally go through and experience? I challenge anyone to justify that idea without infantilizing men. Family & Friends

9 mo

Girls, would you date a guy, that uses these words?

Alpha/Beta man/male: red flag. I've learned the hard way men who are too obsessed with keeping their image as a "man" are unhinged. Cuck: just a word for men who enjoy watching their partner... Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Girls, are most men unattractive?

Physically, no. Behaviorally, yes. It's a miracle that I'm still heterosexual. Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Girls, would you wear this dress on a first date?

Absolutely not. I'd prefer a modest outfit to weed off anyone who would be potentially interested only in my body. If I was really willing to dress sexy though, then I'd instead wear something... Dating

9 mo

Do tall men get special privilege when it comes to women choosing a mate?

Personally speaking, no. I honestly don't even notice people's height much in the beginning, it takes me a while for me to notice that he is really tall sometimes. Most times I think a guy is cute... Dating

9 mo

Do women hate men who love them?

No, but I do believe women who were fed with toxic narratives about love or grew up with abandonment issues stay with men they wouldn't even want as friends because they hope that he will change. Girl's Behavior

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