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9 mo

Is it appropriate to put sunscreen on another man’s wife?

Whether someone finds it inappropriate is personal to every human being. If it made you uncomfortable you should be honest to your wife about it and also let her be honest about what she thinks,... Relationships

9 mo

Broke men should not date?

It's not about how much money you have but rather your mindset and generosity. You could be in a bad financial standing but still find little ways to treat your girl and make her feel loved and... Dating

9 mo

What are the biggest myths that the opposite gender has of one another?

1. That men don't gossip/slander. They do it and at an even worse scale. 2. That men can't "handle" listening to or being exposed to "women problems". Any adult man who cannot handle topics like... Relationships

9 mo

Do you think white privilege is real in dating?

This is unfortunately true as a non-White immigrant to the West. For both genders white fetishizing is rampant. I see a lot of immigrants like me just fawning for white girls. I was dating a brown... Dating

9 mo

When are you ready to meet your partner's parents, siblings, grandparents?

If it's a guy that my parents will accept (makes good money, has good status and family, same religion etc) then when we want to get married. If it's a guy that my parents won't accept, never 💀... Dating

9 mo

Why can't boys wear skirts, WITHOUT GETTING JUDGED FOR IT?

It doesn't apply to all cultures. Where I come from men do have a traditional skirt but it is considered casual wear, something to be worn at home as loungewear but not outside and especially not... Fashion & Beauty

9 mo

What WOMAN from HISTORY would you have DINNER with?

If a religious answer counts then I'd meet the first wife of prophet Muhammad, Khadija. Other than that, my favorite female author Ashapurna Devi. She learned to read and write by watching her... Other

9 mo

I'd like to be a mother, but at the same time I'm afraid of being a bad one. Did you have these doubts before becoming a parent?

It's a common fear that many parents have. I also want to be a mother but feel paranoid about passing on the generational trauma. The best we can do is to be kind to ourselves and know that we... Family & Friends

9 mo

What was the last thing you ate 🥺?

Mixed vegetables curry, chicken curry and naan. I just needed to eat something loaded with vegetables but also very flavorful so I just dumped a whole bag of frozen vegetables on a pan and cooked... Food & Beverage

9 mo

Girls, would you date a guy that’s vegetarian or vegan?

I have dated a vegetarian before, he grew up vegetarian due to his family being Hindu. It didn't bother me. I'm currently dating someone who eats everything but I'm the one with dietary... Dating

9 mo

Guys who date multiple women at the same time are mostly called Womanizers, but what do you call women who also date and have sex with multiple men, a Manizer🤔 ?

I always liked the word maneater lol. Dating multiple people isn't a bad thing when you're doing it casually especially when you're at the stage of life where you're willing to see the kind of men... Dating

9 mo

Why do girls make things so complicated early on?

Why do guys make things so complicated early on? Not being ready for commitment but still over enthusiastically declaring their commitment from the start, lovebombing at first then completely... Dating

9 mo

Would you date someone who has no sense of humor?

I cannot. I'm generally known as a funny person, my humor is one of the first things my boyfriend noticed in me and said that I'm funny, you think I'll settle for a boring person? I don't like... Dating

9 mo

Girls, why do you find it so hard to call a guy handsome/good looking?

What are you talking about, I never hesitate to compliment a good-looking guy. Unfortunately some men think even being nice to a guy is flirting. If a man makes me think that he will take a... Girl's Behavior

9 mo

Is it possible to impress someone by smell?

Oh absolutely. Men don't understand how much it increases their attractiveness when they smell good. If you're talking about natural fragrance, well, that's also possible. I myself am not big on... Dating

9 mo

What are physically unattractive men supposed to do if women don't find them attractive?

Regardless of what physical features you are born with, the best we can do is to groom ourselves, wear what fits us not only in terms of fitting our body types but also our style, and be confident... Dating

9 mo

How do I stop oversharing?

I'm the same way, I realized a lot of it comes from the anxiety that if I don't share enough details and the full context of a story, then people will misunderstand me. I understood the fact that... Other

9 mo

Why do women spend more money then what men do?

Do women actually spend more than men do though? Cuz I know plenty of guys who spend a lot more than a shopaholic woman. Anyways, when it comes to buying BASIC NEEDS, women just have more things... Dating

9 mo

What are your relationships red flags?

Rude is the biggest out of all of them. Refusing to call/video call can be excused depending on the circumstance, sometimes people are busy with work or lack privacy at home. Hygiene struggles,... Relationships

9 mo

Do you prefer good men or bad boys?

Are those the only type of men in existence? I know stereotypical "bad boys", involved in substances use and gangs and stuff who are really good and kind people when you get to know them and... Guy's Behavior

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