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Happy Thoughts: The Holidays are Coming, so Help Yourselves and Help the U. S.

So evidently, there was this crazy election in the past week. It freaked some people out. It elated others. It was, in brief, quite the event. I imagine the debates will continue through the end of the year, though it's likely that this particular president may earn more scrutiny than any U.S....

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What is WITH the Fear Epidemic Plaguing Young Males?

I just have to ask: What the hell is going on? But before I answer that rhetorical question, let me insert the all-important disclaimer: While I don't believe we live in an entirely gynocentric society, I do believe there are distinct hints of that, and there are more and more reasons for...

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Editor of the Month, and Top 5 myTakes for October

Which Editor managed to capture the award for October? We've got the answer below and in addition to posting links to the winner's three best myTakes of the month, we're also going to post five of our favorites from other Editors (and regular users) as well. This should give readers a better...

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Why I Might Actually Want the Nintendo Switch

I tend to write more serious or even philosophical myTakes, with the occasional controversial one thrown in for good measure (and strategic reasons, of course). ;) However, I figure I'd lighten things up for the weekend; get away from the election crap (it's lose-lose, people, and that's all...

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Just Because You're Hot Doesn't Mean You Have "It"

Girls and guys, I have one question for you: Do you know what the word "presence" means? It seems these days that almost nobody has it. And when I say "it," I'm referring to presence, an indefinable magnetism generated by a singular charm and charisma. I believe certain people are born with the...

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Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)

The presidential race is heating up as we're into the final hectic month before the elections. And according to a recent poll held here on GaG , the race is down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (no real surprise there, as candidates Johnson and Stein don't have a chance), and guess what?...

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How to Craft the Modern Gentleman, And Why He'll Get Any Woman He Pleases

Let's start with a few critical points: 1. The quintessential "nice guy" is NOT a gentleman. At least, being a nice guy doesn't automatically qualify you as a gentleman, nor does being a gentleman mean you'll necessarily be branded a "nice guy" (which is, almost by default, a derogatory term...

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September's Editor of the Month Announced: Who Caught Our Eye This Time?

It's time once again to honor one of our hard-working Editors with the monthly award. :) If you're unfamiliar, the Editor of the Month is the one who impressed us most with their content, generating good-quality pieces that get a solid reaction from the community and are worth spreading outside...

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Why I'm Still Single, and Why I Refuse to Settle

I've seen plenty of myTakes about traits men and women want to see in a lifelong partner. A couple weeks ago, I published a piece on Elite Daily explaining the pitfalls of continuously picturing your ideal mate . On the flip side, I once wrote about the importance of standards (I believe that...

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August's Editor of the Month: Here's Who Impressed Us Most

Yes, we were winding up the first GaG Battle Royale so apologies on getting this done a little later than normal. :) For July, the Editor of the Month honor went to @LittleSally and now we get to choose a new winner for August. As always, we look at a number of things...with "number" being a...

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GaG Battle Royale Winning Team Revealed!

I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting this announcement, so here it is. A while back, we had the idea of giving girls and guys a chance to throw down in the ultimate gender face-off , with four teams producing myTakes on various topics. Each team consisted of an Editor (the captain) and...

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Top 5 Things Guys Can Do to Guarantee a Second Date

The date's over and you're driving home, agonizing over one question: "Will she really want a second date?" Sure, you parted on good terms; the obligatory "I'll call you" probably passed somebody's lips, there may have been a couple smiles and even a hug. For about fifteen seconds, you were...

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The Concept of a "Soulmate" is Illogical, Impossible, and Magical

"There's an ass for every seat." I remember hearing this from a friend of my father's when I was very little. We were in a garage at the time and of course, such a setting is conducive to certain types of male discussion. In this instance, my father and his friend were talking about an upcoming...

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A Chat with Galia Brener: Love Yourself First, and Why Appearance Will Always Matter

Fashion designer, blogger and influencer Galia Brener has a message for everyone: Before you can love others, you have to learn to love yourself. And paying attention to your outward appearance isn't about being fake or shallow or vain; it's about being confident in your skin (and clothes) and...

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Top 5 GaG Facebook Posts: 5 So-Funny-It-Hurts Vids And a Hot myTake!

So, checked out GirlsAskGuys Facebook page recently? No? Well, two things: First, did you realize that your myTake (or Question or Poll) could end up on our FB page? We take our favorites and post 'em up, thereby giving the author a whole LOT more exposure! Good incentive to produce quality...

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July Editor of the Month: Who Blew Us All Away Last Month?

Yeah, it's that time again. We go back through the previous month, seeking out the Editor who stood out from the crowd, the one top-quality producer that did a little something extra. Sometimes, that's hard to do, as we often have multiple qualified individuals. It wasn't too easy for July,...

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GaG Battle Royale! The Ultimate Girls vs. Guys Showdown

What is GirlsAskGuys really about? Sharing contrasting opinions, viewpoints, perspectives, ideas, etc. Saying your piece and defending your stance ( respectfully , please). This is really the backbone of GaG and so, to have some big-time fun, we've decided to usher in the age of the GaG Battle...

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Sex, Love and Lies: The Easiest Way to Solve All Your Dating, Relationship and Life Issues

No, I'm not an expert or a "sexpert." I am not the caretaker of a treasure trove of romance secrets; I don't wander around with a magic key hanging from my belt. I have tried and failed just as often, if not more often, than most people here. Humbleness, I have no key, and I have no authority to...

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