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+1 y

Do you think it's hot if a girl is thick?

she screwed her body up. is her ass fake? Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What do you think of this dating advice MGTOW debunk?

can you also write out the keypoints? she looks annoying and i'd rather not press play Dating

+1 y

What makes a man more "alpha" or dominant towards another man?

that's why you advocate police beating black people for sport? Society & Politics

+1 y

Why do guys fall in love so easily?

i think feminism made men more sensitive and women less sensitive Dating

+1 y

Is it racist to prefer to date a certain race?

if it's just a looks thing then its superficial but not racist if its because you believe some races are better than others and you want to be with "the best race" then that is racist Dating

+1 y

Why do men assume nerdy women are ugly?

i think most people assume nerdy people are ugly in general. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is pale skin a turn off?

dude shut up you're clearly just looking for compliments you know most guys like/prefer paler skin especially on here Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What is the best revenge on a player?

just leave him alone, he's having fun! that's what life is about it isn't it? Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, what is the most attractive profession a woman can have?

giving old men sponge baths is not a sexy job Education & Career

+1 y

Why do you think we all find the same people attractive?

the media pushes certain images a number of times at you, you believe it. we learn from our surroundings Society & Politics

+1 y

My online boyfriend lied about his height. Should I break up with him?

if he lies about some things he'll lie about others Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are white women obsessed with tanning their skin?

Better question why are Asians like yourself obsessed with pale skin blue eyes and blonde hair? Like I mean really obsesssed... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why are single men generally more bitter than single women?

uh, single girls that look like above aren't bitter because OBVIOUSLY it's a choice i mean damn... but i mean bitter single women are a pretty big majority in america... but i would disagree... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Should girls/guys play hard to get?

i need to be more patient myself Flirting

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