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+1 y

A successful step forward: A follow up to a previous MyTake on equality.

We're in a day and age where women movie writers will happily talk about staring at men's bulges or chests in movies and screech with fury over attractive women in movies who dress revealing.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Toxic Body Positivity

There can't be any peace between healthy fit girls and fat girls. People who have a lack of self control are automatically shamed by the presence of people who maintain a healthy or fairly healthy... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is Food Becoming Less Racist?

I completely agree. We need to remove black people and indian/eskimo tribe faces off food brands. Who wants to be buying rice and there's the picture of some black guy on it? Remove them all! Food & Beverage

+1 y

Why do both the political left and the political right love having the government control people's bodies so much?

There's a very critical difference. Banning a medical procedure is pretty common. Whether or not we agree on abortion, I think we can all agree doctors should not have carte blanche to do... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why The Number of Sexual Partners Matters

I feel like the guys who are most worried about this are guys with little experience and/or virgins. Relationships

+1 y

Should Women have the right to abortion?

If abortion is legal, then under equal protection laws men should have a right to sign away all rights and responsibilities while the woman is pregnant. AKA no visitation, no child support.... Society & Politics

+1 y

“All the good ones are taken”. Does that mean I’m not one of the good ones?

Lol you know most guys don't want to date a girl who is a lot shorter them him right? Makes for awkward kissing. Dating

+1 y

Why you should not give up. My Christian viewpoint.

Funny that when "racism" comes up it's always poor blacks being harmed by Whites. Current crime statistics show that for years blacks in the usa murder twice as many whites as white on black... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Why as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, we should have equal rights.

What I see a lot is people in your lifestyle hating regular people. And seriously, if you need to host massive parades to tell everyone that you are gay and want to bang men--you need to get out... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Reasons Guys Do Not Date Today

There sure are plenty of guys who won't improve to the point they can have hookups or such today. It's kinda like how rampant female obesity is these days. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Law For The Common Man: No-Fault Divorce

a story from family law class, a divorce attorney in Marietta GA. Couple was divorcing, the wife was out of love and had cheated on the husband. And gave him herpes. because the husband had a... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Anti-racism is a Hard Sell

"Anti racist" is a hard sell because it goes against facts and reality. Example: African americans commit more murders overall in the USA than whites. Not per capita or some nonsense like... Society & Politics

+1 y

Real Life Suits: The Lawyers We Know

I remember in criminal law class the teacher, a DA, had a criminal defense attorney teach the class for a bit. the Defense attorney talked about how he had a fatal vehicle accident case where the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jefferson's Statue!

There's several nations inside this country. They're tearing down statues because they hate one of the nations, and want them destroyed. There's no negotiating with that. There's only fighting, or... Society & Politics

+1 y

Women force men to be better and more successful

Lmaoo no they don't. Have you looked around at the sating game today? Women want alpha fucks not beta bucks. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

George Floyd vs. Ahmaud Arbery, why don't both their black lives matter?

George Floyd, an armed robber who held a gun on a pregnant woman and died likely from fentanyl overdose. Now basically a saint to blacks. How fitting. Society & Politics

+1 y

Thoughts on George Floyd's Death and How America Heals

According to FBI statistics blacks murder over twice as many whites per year as vice verce. And somehow the left is claiming black people are "hunted" or "killed for existing" as they openly cheer... Society & Politics

+1 y

Single Women Should Prioritize the Potential Partners Too! If not, they are Doomed to be Alone Forever.

I think you mean single moms right? Single moms do need to realize that "my child is my absolute priority nothing else matters" definitely helps ensure "why do quality men ignore me?" Girl's Behavior

+1 y

When Movies Didn't Cast Actors Based On Race and They Were Still Great

The same people going "only racists are upset about Ariel!" are the same people who clamor for more non whites in all movies possible, and who loved that Black Panther was indeed a very very... Entertainment & Arts

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