Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jefferson's Statue!

Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jeffersons Statue!

I am a Black Man and a Native American Man. A decedent of slaves and Sioux Ancestors who fought against the United States. I fully support the efforts to tear down statues of the former confederacy; I completely oppose the outrageous attempt to tear down statues of American history. Specifically, the idea that we should tear down statutes of Thomas Jefferson.

Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jeffersons Statue!

Statues of our founding fathers and Presidents are a living testament to our children and their children that even the greatest figures in our history were imperfect. It's symbolic of the ignoble quest in our Constitutional Preamble, "To form a more perfect Union".

You can't teach to our children the evolutionary history of our country by erasing the scars of our history. In a strange way, Thomas Jefferson is the perpetual notion of progress. A man who might have done more in history for the freedom of all people regardless of color, gender, or orientation despite the fact that he owned and fathered the children of slaves. The man is a hypocrisy. He is a contradiction. But that is the heart of the American story.

In a strange way, Jefferson deserves to stand as a symbol of history. It was his words in the Declaration of Independence that inspired the French Revolution in 1789, and Women's Suffrage at the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, and Dr. King 100 years after that.

Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jeffersons Statue!

Quite frankly, judging by the standards of those arguing to take down his statue, the United States is only 7 years old. That's right. Only 7 years in American history have we as a country recognized minority, womens, and gay rights.

So I guess we should only have statues of Obama. When you consider this logic you clearly can see it is folly. Only the Confederacy should be dismantled, not America!

Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jeffersons Statue!
Do Not Tear Down Thomas Jefferson's Statue!
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