Toxic Body Positivity

Its a real issue. What happened to real body positivity?
It's a real issue. What happened to real body positivity?

This is something that has been on my chest for a while.

And a lot of society does it and let's it slide but I'm not here for it.

In this MyTake, I'm going to share some examples of toxic body positivity and how it can really damage ourselves. This will be pretty long.

1. It's like we're on a pedestal

Us females should be on the same side and say both is beautiful
Us females should be on the same side and say both is beautiful

Apparently there is some type of war saying who has it worse? Plus sized people or skinny people? That shouldn't even be a question. There are some cons that are worse in comparison to the other side but none is worse and none is better. We have our pros and cons but can we focus on loving our bodies rather than saying who has it worse to make one side feel better than the other? People say well "you're so skinny" is a compliment no it is not so please stop saying it. What if I told you "you're so fat" OMG! Did you just body shame me? It's literally the same thing.

2. Normalize "Normal" Bodies

What is normal?
What is normal?

I understand where this is coming from. A genuine place. Society has made us feel abnormal in some way at least. But this movement can actually be very toxic. By saying this it's implying that the topic they say is normal but what about the people who don't have it? It's another form of generalizing which can be very toxic.

Not everybody in that group will have this or that. It's ok.

3. Body Neutrality is NOT Body Positivity

Dont love our bodies for what it can do, love it because it is worth being loved ❤
Don't love our bodies for what it can do, love it because it is worth being loved ❤

Body Neutrality :

I love my legs because they help me run so I shouldn't be ashamed of my body.

What happens when you can't run? Don't love your body because of what it can do, love your body because it is your own and it is unique.

Instead : I love my legs they are beautiful and worthy of being accepted.

4. "As long as you have this"

Toxic Body Positivity

I'm just gonna say it. A lot of body positivity in the media for plus size women has been you're beautiful if you have an hourglass figure. If you're overweight that's ok at least your skin is clear and you still have a butt. And for us skinny girls it's the same. I thought body positivity was for all shapes too? So why is the media still only potraying one shape then?

Or if you have small boobs at least they're perky.

Toxic Body Positivity

Those are still society's standards. It shouldn't be well you have this so you're good.

We should just love our feautures point blank.

4. The Focus On Bodies in General

Toxic Body Positivity

Why are we even focusing on physical appearance like that? I mean in a way that determines our job status, our social status etc. Can we focus on being healthy and positive instead of focusing on people's flaws.

side note:

Anyone can be bodyshamed. I repeat "anyone".


Definiton of body shaming-

the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size.

Does it say what size in the definiton? No. Any size or shape can be body shamed. Any gender.

So what are they trying to say? Skinny shaming doesn't devalue yourself as a human being. Ok. Says a lot about why people say skinny shaming isn't real.

A lot of men probably feel left out because body positivity is mostly about women. But stay strong everyone! And love your body ❤

Toxic Body Positivity
58 Opinion