Online Studying: My Recommendations

Online Studying: My Recommendations

Online studying can be fun and right usage of time. Also if you try paid courses, it can add weight to your job/ college/ resume. In this take, I'm going share you my recommendations for studying/learning online. Also, this take DOES NOT include an online degree or diploma. I recommend part-time courses as I've experienced them. There are vast options available when you choose to learn online as long as you got patience.

Here we go with my list:


Online Studying: My Recommendations

Coursera is one of the biggest online learning sites with more than 28 million registered students and 2000+ courses which are constantly increasing. Coursera offers courses in almost all categories. The certificate price ranges from 29$ to 99$


1) All Courses are free of cost

2) Support for query is available in 24 Hrs

3) Unique Certificate with approval of respective university professor

4) Courses from recognized universities like Edinburgh, London, Michigan, Hopkins, etc

5) Weekly assignments


1) Only paid certificates are available

2) If you excide deadline, you won't get a certificate

3) Less number of courses available in Basic Sciences

4) Tones of promotional emails


Online Studying: My Recommendations

edX is another course giant founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, it is partnered with more than 60 universities. edX also provides free and non-profit courses. The certificate price ranges from 50$ to 30$


1)Courses from high rated universities like MIT, Harvard, etc

2) All courses are free of cost

3) Certificates approved by respective universities

4) Support 24*7

5) Partially free certificates with the availability of financial aids.


1) Less developed website due to less commercialized approach

2) High certificate price as compared to Courcera


Online Studying: My Recommendations

All of us are familiar with massive video-sharing giant YouTube. Although it contains all kinds of videos (Excluding porn and violence), it can be very helpful if you wish to learn anything. There are many educational channels are available with various subjects and topics. As I'm physics student, mine favorite channels are Lectures by Walter Lewin and Michel van Biezen


1) Users tend to explain more and in simpler language in order to attract viewers

2) Vast majority of subjects and teachers in different languages

3) Everything is free of cost

4) No deadlines. learn as much as you want


1) Not 100% reliable as anyone can create youtube videos

2) No guarantee of support

3) Advertisements

4) No certificate of completion

Here ends my list of recommendations. Just three but best three :)

Also, I'd love to recommend one more application if you wish to learn new languages.


Online Studying: My Recommendations

Duolingo is the best application/ website available to learn a new language. It has the best user-friendly interface and it is FREE OF COST. The duolingo has about 200 million users and you can learn around 22 languages now and more 22 languages are in developing conditions.

Thanks for reading this take. If you have any suggestions or experience with online learning, feel free to share :)

Online Studying: My Recommendations
4 Opinion