Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education


It's well understood that we have successfully devalued the college degree by letting anyone and everyone into schools they have no business being in and handing them outrageous loans they could never hope to pay off to do so. You can tack on a lack of high school interest in offering alternative information to kids such as info pertaining to trade, vocational and occupational schools.

Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education

The choice to go to a 4 year institution is still highly favored by academic advisers with little to no insight into the real work force. This leads to many students having an attitude that they are "above" working jobs like construction, plumbing, carpentry etc... because they hold a degree. It all amounts to an untapped workforce, since many of these graduates could have become more competitive in the workforce if they learned actual hard skills in schools as opposed to useless rhetoric such as theory, and coursework in areas that do not lead to jobs such as general studies.

I'll list a few things I'd like to see happen in the realm of U.S. education, then I'd like you guys to give me a few you think would benefit higher ed.

1. Remove tenure from the institutions and hold professors responsible for providing more hands-on opportunities to students.

Such as making connections and getting their feet in the door in the communities local to their schools. The way this process would be carried out certainly would vary depending on the major/field of interest, but tenure just brings about a lack of incentive for profs to focus on anything but their own personal research, which they vehemently defend for the sake of "academic freedom". They should not be left to their own devices because they won't do their job otherwise.

Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education

2. The primary focus should be job placement.

I have looked at several criteria such as the Princeton Review and have not found one list that places job placement rate and salary even close to the top of the list. Why? Shouldn't that be the number one priority? Place more of an emphasis on that, and less on "quality of life" for students attending the schools.

3. This one piggybacks on number 2. Colleges spending habits are pitifully lacking in emphasis on things essential to education.

Boston U. has a lazy river. Bradley U. has an "alumni" building with expensive gargoyles. Universities heavily spend on additional housing so they can increase enrollment. Oversight is typically seen as meddling in academic affairs, but it is a lack of any oversight that has gotten us into this mess in the first place. Allowing colleges to continue to wastefully spend money on athletics, fancy recreational buildings and other endeavors likely to entice parents to send their kids to their school is a short-sighted, business-minded and greed-driven tactic that continues to produce unqualified job seekers with unmanageable student loan debt. If they don't spend say, X amount of tuition dollars in providing quality education and real world experience, why should they be allowed to make so much money?

4. If colleges want to run themselves like businesses, they should have to be held to the same standards that businesses are held to.

Any logical business model suggests that in order to sell a product, the product must be good. Following this model by way of trimming the fat so to speak, may cut costs by eliminating jobs held by overpaid people like career advisors, who have little to no knowledge pertaining to what students by major need to do in order to get their feet in the door in their chosen field. Get rid of job titles like this, as well as useless degrees like art history or general education.

Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education

5. Have a way of flushing out transparent information about university spending, data pertaining to how grads are doing several years after school, and other things people might need to know when deciding whether or not college is right for them.

The staff who work in academia never want to be honest about these things, so a third party research firm or group of some kind should be tasked with doing this. Have kids and their parents be aware of these things, and what you will see is a shift away from everyone going to school, over to many deciding to forego the experience.

This is a lot to read, and I have more but I think I'll stop for now and open the discussion up to you guys. What are your thoughts?

Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education

Urgently Needed Changes in American Higher Education
22 Opinion