K to 12 Education

K to 12 Education

If we as a society are going to tax to finance K-12 education, the checks she go the parents or guardian of each and every school child. If a parent chooses to send a child to a public school, the check would pay the full tuition. If a parent chooses a private school, the check would pay part of the tuition with the parent paying the difference. If a parent chooses to homeschool the child, the check would be used to pay themselves part of their teacher’s salary with the parent waiving the balance and also paying the other expenses. When you factor in a teacher’s salary, homeschooling is by far the most expensive, other that perhaps a few elite boarding schools, but it all the best.

The primary advantage is that without having to pay twice (taxes plus private or homeschool); more parents could afford a superior education for their children. The competition would also improve public or government schools. Currently, public schools are, for the most part, a monopoly. Monopolies, especially government monopolies are extremely wasteful and inefficient. However, with competition, government would be forced to improve or else they would be replaced.

Public schools do such an inadequate job of teaching, that even though public school students out number homeschool student by more than 10 to 1, homeschoolers are winning most of the spelling bees, and other academic competitions. That has proven to be such an embarrassment that public schools invented the ridiculous fantasy that homeschool student are not socialized. And, mainstream media, in effect government media has been broadcasting that lie 24/7 for decades. However, anyone willing to investigate the studies knows that generally homeschool students have superior socialization.

Homeschool children should their social skills from people of all ages – not from other same-age children all day every day. That is a bit like the blind leading the blind! What kind of socialization occurs when 20 or 30 kids of the same age are placed in a classroom together day after day? Peer pressure is enormous. Kids feel like they need to look and sound and be like everyone else, at the risk of forgetting or never discovering who they really are. This results in rivalry, ridicule, and competition – hardly the environment for healthy socialization.

K to 12 Education
11 Opinion