About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?

About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?
About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?
About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?
About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?
How many of your bosses were utter morons or idiots? Or were people who were completely and utterly unfit for the positions they were in and rightfully should've been fired.

Note: Do not include bosses you hated or were mean, but still did their jobs well. Only the bosses who sucked at their jobs or were just stupid in general.

I'd say about 75% with me overall, but less so here in Korea. Out of four teaching jobs here, one was an idiot and she refused to take criticism, one was semi-competent but in over her head and had no leadership experience, and two were good bosses.
100% - EVERY boss I've worked for were incompetent or unfit for the position.
70 to 90% - Most of the bosses I've worked for were incompetent or unfit for the position.
50 to 60% - Half of the bosses I've worked for were incompetent or unfit for the position.
30 to 40% - Some bosses I've worked for were incompetent or unfit for the position.
10 to 20% - Few bosses I've worked for were incompetent or unfit for the position.
I've never had a stupid or incompetent boss before.
I've never had to work under anyone before.
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About what percentage of bosses have you worked for have been utterly incompetent and/or stupid?
11 Opinion