For those of you who write ✍🏻 Regularly: Approximately how many hours, and how many pages, do you estimate you write in 1 day?

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Out of curiosity, I looked up the average page written by writers & the data looked odd- tho anecdotal so all subject to variation of opinion. Still weird how many were saying stuff like 3-6 pages if you have free time & all day to designate and maybe 1/2 page, if you have other jobs and or parenthood, and only a few hours to designate.

Supposedly, Stephen King writes 6 pages 📄 a day ALL day. They were making that out to be astounding. Well, in this case they must mean 6 perfectly crafted edited researched referenced prosed… I Mean anyone Can write 6 pages in well under 6 hours, so it must be 6 ‘perfectly executed ready to publish pages.’ No?

I suppose the questions are not asked specifically or of course as is often the case, questions are answered so generally it’s as if no question was asked at all.

I notice in writing, there can be many different approaches and aside from preparing thoughts / questions in your mind (which adds to the over all writing process) many people do a fair amount of stream of consciousness, question answer, notes, research etc etc —which can go on for hours. All technically writing tho not story line in isolation.

My guess is for all the people writing 6 pages in 6 hours, there are people writing 10 pages in 1 hour abs every number in between.

So, for those of you who do write regularly, I’m curious to know, if you happen to know yourselves and are w give a rough estimate..

Approximately how many pages do you write a day, on average.

How many pages is for you a heavy flow?

How many pages on a day when relative to your own higher numbers, you don’t produce much?

Approximately how many hours are you comfortable writing in one day?

How many pages do you think you write in an hour?

Does the amount you write per hour, lessen or increase as you write for more than an hour?

Im just curious! Thanks 🙏🏼

Approx 1 hour, 1 page.
1 -2 hours, more than 1 page.
3-4 hours, more than 2 pages.
4-5 hours, more than 3 pages.
5-6 hours, more than 4 pages.
1- 12 hours a day. Number of pages, I variable.
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For those of you who write ✍🏻 Regularly: Approximately how many hours, and how many pages, do you estimate you write in 1 day?
17 Opinion