How do I relax and stop being afraid of losing my job?

I did a philosophy undergraduate degree and I was afraid that pursuing this field too much would make me unemployable and unskilled in today's world, although I was very enthusiastic about it. So I decided not to pursue an academic career and I was lucky enough to find a well-paid bureaucratic job despite my "useless" degree. It is very stressful because it is very unpredictable and so much unlike what I've been used to before. I have only been working for a few weeks and I feel that if I lose this job, I will not be able to find such a well-paid job and I would struggle to make ends meet since I've realised how many skills I lack and how unprepared for the job market I am. My manager thinks I am smart and told me he trusts me, but he is quite disappointed that I work too slowly. People keep telling me to relax because I am in my 20s and my parents can still support me if I am fired, but they are getting older and their health is not perfect and I can't count on that. I have some writing and research skills, but nobody gives a damn about them anymore.

How do I relax and stop being afraid of losing my job?
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