The Problems with Hollywood


These are all personal opinions based on observations, you may or may not agree with.

You may have noticed how many people have been bashing Hollywood. You may think that they do it because “it’s the cool thing to do” but in reality, it’s because of legit complaints that many people have which is mostly in regards to the biases that Hollywood has. This is why many people are praise straight to DVD films and independent films more than Hollywood films.

The problems with Hollywood

1.) Hollywood’s political bias: Hollywood is one of the biggest movie industries in the world. The name “Hollywood” use to be a coveted by many people around the world. However, as a result of Hollywood deciding to start catering only to the liberal/“progressive” audiences, they lost a lot of respect and now the name Hollywood is slowly gaining infamy. When I say liberal, I’m not referring to the moderate liberal because I don’t generalize and I realize not every liberal is the same, I’m referring to the extremists and radicals. I’m also not saying that Hollywood should be more conservative, I’m saying it should be apolitical.

The Problems with Hollywood

2.) Hollywood’s Height standards: Hollywood gives in to societal norms by treating taller actors and actresses better than shorter actors and actresses. Most of the dominant roles go to tall actors(5’10” and above) and tall actresses(5’7” and above). It’s very rare for shorter actors and actresses to get dominant lead roles. Because according to society “only tall people have good prowess” even though there are endless real life cases of short people proving their prowess in various ways(sports, military, politics etc) Oddly enough, Hollywood hasn’t made a movie about real life below average height American heroes like Audie Murphy(the most decorated US soldier) or the 442nd RCT(the most decorated US military unit of it’s size and length of service).

The Problems with Hollywood

3.)Hollywood’s bias against Asians: Not many people talk about this one but if you look closer at Hollywood, you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s very rare(almost never) that a Asian actor or actress gets a dominant lead role in Hollywood. Most of the roles that Asian actors or actresses get in Hollywood are what are known as “canon fodder” roles, in which their characters are just there as either extras and or are to be killed off early on in the film due to foolish mistakes. There have only been two movies(that I know of) with a dominant Asian lead and they are “Ninja assasin” and “The foreigner”. While Star Wars Rogue one and Star Wars the last Jedi did a good job with casting Asian actors in decent sidekick roles.

The Problems with Hollywood

4.) Hollywood’s recycled content: Perhaps the number one reason why Hollywood gets a lot of hate is because Hollywood seemingly tends to recycle ideas. I’m not saying recycling is bad per se but once it’s overdone, the ratings suffer because people start to say “we’ve already watched this”. Do I think Hollywood has truly run out of ideas? No but I do think that Hollywood is brushing aside many new ideas to stay within it’s comfort zone.

The Problems with Hollywood

5.)bad marketing: Some of hollywood’s movies like Ghostbusters and Wonder Woman were marketed in a way that scared away many people. For example, Wonder Woman was marketed by hosting a “woman’s only” screening which got criticized for neglecting the male audience.

Keep in mind that I don’t think everything that Hollywood makes is bad, it has made some decent content recently but I think Hollywood needs to fix these issues in order to raise the ratings of their content. Also, it’s not just Hollywood that does this but Canadian cinema as well.

The Problems with Hollywood
20 Opinion