Do you think my friend is weird for only listening to 90s/00s music this entire decade and boycotting modern music?

So my friend and I were born in 2001. My friend literally this entire decade has been fixated on music from the 90s/00s. I remember she stopped listening to the radio when we were like 11/12 (2012-13ish) because it was all techno/edm sounding and annoyed her. She will only listen to rap music from like 1990-2009. I’ve tried showing her modern rap and she doesn’t like it and thinks it sounds like trash. She does listen to the radio when we are in the car and bitches. She likes pop music from like 1999-2009. So mainly 00s pop and 90s/00s alt rock. I just think it’s weird. We are 18 and she’s been obsessed with music from like when we were little or before we were born for years. She has all these iHeartRadio I heart 00s and I heart 90s and fly nation hip hop radio and some 90s/00s and today station. It’s just you would think you would listen to music from our generation. It’s going to be 2020 and you are still fixated on music from like 2000. I’ve tried getting her to watch the amas and Vmas throughout this decade and she just won’t watch it. She doesn’t like the music from this decade at all. At our homecoming dances she requests songs from the 90s/00s. It’s so weird. You would think you would get tired of listening to 90s/00s music day in and day out for the last like 8-9 years and would want to know modern music
Ya she’s fucking strange af and not normal
No (how is it not weird though)
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It bothers me because we are 18 and she’s wasting her time listening to old people music and not her OWN generations music
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Do you think my friend is weird for only listening to 90s/00s music this entire decade and boycotting modern music?
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