Gamers: Why can't video game producers and creators give both the option for 1st and 3rd person shooter view points within the game?

I despise 1st person view. I want to see the whole body of the character I'm playing.
Gamers: Why cant video game producers and creators give both the option for 1st and 3rd person shooter view points within the game?
+1 y
Another thing: Under 1st person as a solider you can't hide your body behind walls as real soliders do in real life to shoot the enemy.

I like games as realistic as possible. In Call of Duty you can't shoot your fellow soliders dead (which the game should restart if you do) and you can't get hit by bullets a several times and not die nor walk with a limp.

Make the games as realistic as possible that if you get shot in the head you die instantly, shot in the leg you limp etc.
Gamers: Why can't video game producers and creators give both the option for 1st and 3rd person shooter view points within the game?
Post Opinion