What do you think of this line from the movie Blade Runner: 'It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does'?

CONTEXT: In the movie there are these beings... androids referred to as 'replicants' and they only live for four years. Deckard here played by Harrison Ford is a blade runner who hunts down replicants that are supposed to be 'retired' but flee and attempt to live among the general population. so towards the end after Deckard has hunted down all the replicants he was tasked to, his friend compliments him on a job well done and utters the enigmatic words 'It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does'? The she, that he is referring to is the girl he's dating who happens to be a replicant herself... then asks 'then again who does?' which i read as he's asking how many of us really live in our time on this planet? philosophical question of the ages.

so anyways... your thoughts?
What do you think of this line from the movie Blade Runner: 'It's too bad she won't live, but then again who does'?
15 Opinion