Whats something you’re passionate about and when’s the last time you had a great conversation with someone who was just as passionate about it?


Man this is eveeeeerything. I’m very passionate about my movies, music and skate decks. Well yesterday, I came across another film fanatic and omg we talked til 6am this morning. His knowledge of every film I brought up was such a turn on! I mean he even knew the films that I loved that most folks hate. I need more of that in my liiife 🤣 I felt bad because he didn’t even get to sleep AT ALL because it was time for him to go to work by time we took a breather. But it was so worth staying up for. Performing Arts (film, music, etc) is my favorite form of art and I don't know the whole convo just felt like we were sitting in sone fine art gallery just admiring all the beautiful works of art, and discussing our opinions of each. Fck I slick regret not going to an out of state college to major in film. And then we got all into the movie series like Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Godzilla, etc. Gosh I couldn't get enough. It felt like I found my film twin. Such a rare soul since I haven’t came across that since like 2019 #FeelFreeToList

1 y
We even got into video games. It helped that we’re the same age because we talked about nintendo 64 and all that shit for a longass time 😂 Dude is EPIC! Even though im not big on it anymore, it was amazing to meet someone who still has all their consoles and games too. Plus he got the physical collection of everything like meeee (fck them downloads) 🤣 Can’t wait to find out what else twin got in common
Whats something you’re passionate about and when’s the last time you had a great conversation with someone who was just as passionate about it?
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