Why is everyone hating on the actress for Snow White just because she's Latina?


I'm highly offended because there is simply no reason other than jealousy for you all to hate on Latinas for everything they do just like when Camila Cabello got hated on big time for doing Cinderella just because she's a beautiful Latina and how much hate Selena Gomez gets is ridiculous I don't care if Snow White is German everyone should embrace people of color and stop hating on Latinas, at this point I feel like all Latinas should be kept somewhere on a safe beautiful island away from haters and sadly the haters are half the world.

6 mo
I can't answer this anymore I have to sign out
6 mo
Jealousy is a real ugly thing
Why is everyone hating on the actress for Snow White just because she's Latina?
7 Opinion