Did you notice already attacked men in 2015?


when i watched Disney film inside out 2015, the complex story kept my attention distracted, as it indoctrinated my subconscious men are bad but lady better, sneaking it in, but now that disney is more openly woke, i finally know what to look for! is it there?

riley the kid has 4 emotions. some feminine hair style as EXPECTED in a girl. all? except ANGER ta da!

anger is bald associated with men, baldness is common in men. and the tie... riley dad wore a tie and anger wears a tie to associate anger with men... anger is bad and associated with men.

men are symbol of anger! as if mothers never explode shouting! film injecting "man bad" into my subconscious while my mind follows the drama! without me noticing. even in girl her anger is man, not all 4 were girls.

similarly happy good, riley happy is girly style, that good happiness is girl not a tie! associate girl better than man, but just in case you say no proof... expect girl, still can compare to anger has tie could give happy tie. but association lady is good, opposite man better than man.

also, in case people don't learn because "lady happy" due to "all in riley are lady except 1 anger, because girl," they bothered to show dad's emotions, when not listening to wife, bad man, and guess what?

it is there. dads "happy emotion" has bumpy shirt like lady... unbelievable! even in dad, can all male! but happy=good was lady, TA DA!

lady good, man bad... pictures even in man. also even in girl anger=bad was bald man. man symbol of anger!

could make all 4 in rily girls. could all 4 men in dad, nope!

but SNEAKING it in! that is terrible to animate that way! i didn't notice them inject me at the time, and inject kids who wouldn't notice, they see their real ma holler angry... but in film happy in all... is always lady, she "better than" man, anger is always men, in a kid film injecting our kids! i was distracted didn't notice. did you?

see for yourself! had you noticed then? the woke association?

Did you notice already attacked men in 2015?
8 Opinion