Ask what's on your mind!

myTakes: Entertainment & Arts

Personality interpretations: genre Rollercoaster

I think People who dance or try to learn dances are the ones who appreciate music more and a wider variety. If you are like me and you like all these genres then you are multidimensional. You aren't the good girl, nor the...

Why I'm a metalhead.

This is more of a playlist dump than a MyTake. So if you don't like extreme music you want to leave.

Professional ballet ruined my mental health.

Authors note: this does by no means describe everyone's experience with professional dance, this is just how it ended up for me. I know that for most people this probably isn't the most eye catching myTake, but I just...

The Lady of the next apartment (Short stories series)

I have locked myself in my apartment for last 5 weeks. I only went outside to buy groceries. Covid-19 have became the biggest nightmare of my life. The daily news of thousands of people getting affected and then after few...

Golden Age of Hollywood Stars Real Names

I've been watching a lot of old movies, so I thought I'd make a MyTake of some of those stars real names. Some of these names you may already know and some you may not, either way I think this will be fun. Let's get...

My favorite films

I’ve enjoyed a lot of films growing up but the latest ones just dont feel as great. Anyways, I’ve listed below a few of my favorite movies since most of you weren’t as familiar with them. Just skim the list and...

Dance, Dance, Dancing on a Date

I think dancing on a date would be romantic, energetic, sexy and fun. This could consist of scheduling a date at a dance class or attending a local ball, clubbing downtown, going to the arcade to hop on the dance machine,...

The Cube - "Nobody is in charge" This 'MyTake' is actually about conspiracies; or, I should say, the lack of them. People in this day and age like to believe that everything happens for a reason (it doesn't),...

Gallipoli: The Scale of Our War Exhibition.

In 2015 the New Zealand's national museum Te Papa teamed up with Weta Workshop ( who made props, weapons, armour, costumes and more for the Lord of The Rings Trilogy ) to make this extraordinary, groundbreaking exhibit to...

Top 10 Best Action/Fantasy Manhwas

That's my second myTake on here about manhwas, but this time with a different type of genre. I only had the idea of writing another one by all of your amazing ideas, everyone gave me great suggestions. Thank you very...

Top 21 Bad & Beautiful

There have been plenty of male action stars, but today, I’ll be listing my favorite female leads/participants (in no particular order). #FeelFreeToList below who out of these #Top20BadAzzes (well 21) are also in your...

Top 20 Bad-Ass Action Starz

There have been plenty of male action stars, but today, I’ll be listing my faves (in no particular order). #FeelFreeToList below who out of those #Top20BadAzzes are also in your faves. By the way, I will only list the...

Why I think anime is a more interesting and fulfilling genre compared to other forms of various media.

Hello, this is my first myTake in a couple of months give or take. This time I've decided to write about a topic I'm pretty passionate about, which is Japanese anime! Or otherwise just called "アニメ" Which is Japanese for...

Top 10 Favorite Fantasy/Romance Manhwas

Image manhwa names: The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass, Surviving as a Maid, God Bless You, Kill the Villainess, Death is the Only Ending for this Villainess, Chitra, Who Made me a Princess, Beware of the Villainess....

The Truth Behind Being An Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancers Are performers, like any other dancer/performer. Despite popular belief, they are not sex workers of any kind. While there are some cases of dancers who will accept offers for more, the majority do not. For...

My top 5 overrated celebs that I find ugly

Overrated in looks in my opinion. I know most probably won't agree but I don't care. 1. Jennifer Aniston Like wtf people, she's literally as average as they come. Looks like someones mom or a Karen. Sure she looks ok for...

Metal genres and subgenres: Part 1.

So here's something I've been thinking about doing for a little while now. I want to take each genre of metal and break it down to you guys. Metal is a VASTLY diverse category of music. Some of it is nasty and brutal, and...

Have you ever imagined yourself as the main character of a book you read? I have!

I have imagined myself in a almost every book I read... It is like you are in the pages of the book and the fate of the character is your own fate. It feels good cause it it faraway from the reality. All those...

Carrie Bradshaw is a real person!

I have a love hate relationship with Carrie Bradshaw, but to know that she was a based off of a real person Candace Bushnell well things get complicated. The first thing that I want to talk about is that the real Mr.Big...

Heavy all female and female fronted metal bands! 🤘 Warning: Sooper br00tal

What's up y'all? It's been a while since I've done a MyTake but this is one I've been wanting to do for a while now so I finally decided to stop procrastinating and get to it! When people, or at least people unfamiliar...