When You Have to Say Goodbye: 6 Ways to Cope

When You Have to Say Goodbye: 6 Ways to Cope

I recently had to say goodbye to one of my best friends because he's moving. There were lots of tears, stress, and bittersweet moments. It was hard for me. But now that I'm feeling a little better, I decided to make this post for anyone who needs to say goodbye and needs help.

1. Let yourself cry

People say, "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." But crying is necessary to get through to the smiles. When my friend was going to leave, I cried for three nights until he left, and then cried for a couple hours after he left. Although it sucked, I feel better after crying. I was able to smile about memories I had with him, and plan ahead to when we'll visit each other.

2. No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for saying goodbye, it'll never be enough

I tried to prepare myself for a couple weeks before I had to say goodbye. Did it help? No. If anything, it just made me more sad. So forget the planning.

When You Have to Say Goodbye: 6 Ways to Cope

3. It's not only okay to cry, you should cry in front of the person you're saying goodbye to

Some might disagree and say it's like trying to guilt trip the person to stay, but I think it just shows them how much you care. My friend and I both teared up while we were saying goodbye. It was sad but it was actually a sweet moment.

4. Be expressive/forward

Even if you're not a sappy, sentimental person, be a sappy, sentimental person. Tell the person leaving how much you love him/her and will miss them. I'm not like that but I made sure my friend knew I'd miss him.

5. Goodbye hugs are the worst

They're usually the tightest and the sweetest but also the saddest. You're gonna want to never let go, and you'll probably cry when you have to. But just know that goodbye hugs mean a lot...at least in my case they did.

When You Have to Say Goodbye: 6 Ways to Cope

6. Try to be positive. It hurts and it's easy to think you'll never see the person again but try to stay positive. Stay in touch and make plans to meet up, even if it's only once a year.

When You Have to Say Goodbye: 6 Ways to Cope
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