3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them


3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

I think most of us have had those bad neighbors or maybe just heard of them. You know,

those who slam their door every damn time like there was something they wanted to kill with it, or those who sing opera in their shower, or those who play their music as loud as in a club...

Ya know?

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

For young people and students this is very common. We have to live in places where the walls sometimes are as thin as paper and our neighbors are mostly young and crazy. If you have such neighbors that make you wanna rip your head off; this MyTake might be something for you.


3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

If your next door neighbor is somehow disturbing you there is a chance that person doesn't even think about your existence at all. They might do whatever they do in their own world just thinking no one will notice.

The best thing you can do in this case is just be polite and introduce yourself to them, talk a little and get to know them. Greet them when you meet them. Maybe, just maybe, this helps. They have at least gotten a picture of you, a clue of your world, and they may think of it the next time they are gonna do their thing that disturbs you.

But if it turns out they continue whatever they are doing, the best thing to do here is to gently tell them about it. If they are at all respectful they will try to keep it down. If not, then they will have to take the consequences.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

If they keep doing it they probably won't stop it just because of you. The best thing in this situation is to call the janitor/landowner and explain it. They will probably contact further and do something to the situation.

Problem usually gets solved in this phase; if not, then I suggest you move.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

This is the case where you, instead of just annoyed and disturbed, are also being scared. This is the case where the neighbor isn't just being impolite, but he/she is also doing illegal stuff. They might be dealers of stolen stuff or drugs, or do drugs themselves. However, they are making it obvious by their behavior.

This punk may have many strange visitors that look like they are gonna rob you and they make a lot of noise. Or they are being aggressive, smelly and loud.

Anyhow; this is a case where I suggest you, instead of investigating it more than needed, just go to the landowner/janitor and make tell them about it so they can contact the police.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

There are two kinds of couples that make you annoyed in the same way, in both cases it is because they are loud. It is also possible that it is the same couple that annoy you in those two ways.

You know, when the couple are fighting and yelling, and you can hear every single word of their drama. Those are the drama queens.

But then there is also this case where the couple are loudly moaning and doing it like they were deaf.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

In the first case I suggest you contact the landowner and in the second case you could just write a note to them and put it in their mail-box. I think no one would be arrogant enough to just continue doing it as loudly. If you don't think this is a very disturbing thing you can always just buy some earplugs.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

A good neighbour is the one that doesn't put a password on their wifi.


3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them

I have had my share of problematic neighbors and I really don't think you need to tolerate them. If there is a problem in living your everyday life just because of a crazy neighbor, there should be something to do about it! If not, I think the best thing is to move, because it will affect your life otherwise, usually in a bad way.

3 Types of Bad Neighbors and How to Handle Them
3 Opinion