Why I Won't Have Children

Why I Won't Have Children

Hey everyone, I'm going to tell you all why I won't reproduce, and believe me it isn't one of those feminist agendas. I always thought I'd have children but the logical thing I've come to is that I shouldn't, and here's why :

1. There are more important things in life to me.

Now I don't want to pull the 'my career is more important' thing, but it is. That is my number one goal in life. I don't really think having children is the most important thing to me or a main goal for me so I won't give it planning or make effort to find someone and plan a whole family and all. I just don't think it's that important to me. When I imagine my future I imagine an amazing career, a house, maybe a pet or some farm house.

2. I have genetic illnesses I don't want to spread.

I have a lot of genetic diseases, mental illnesses, and chronic illnesses that were inherited from both of my parents. So I can only imagine how it would pass down to my children. Why should I spread my genes? They aren't healthy genetics. It would just be selfish of me.

3. I don't want to pass down my unfortunate looks.

I'm below average looks wise and I accept that, but I don't want my kid to be unattractive too. That would also be unfair to them because they will have a lot of self-esteem issues and will resent me from bringing them to this world.

4. This world is too shitty to bring someone else into it.

I have a very honest look towards things. Maybe even pessimistic, and I can pick up on bad things very quickly so if my kid becomes like this too they'll hate this world and they'll want to never even exist.

5. I have a narrow pelvis.

I'm fairly tall so I have a narrower pelvis and narrow hips ( not saying all tall women are like this but most) so I won't even be able to give birth naturally and I'd have to get a C-section. Why should I even attempt? And no healthy male mate is attracted to that anyway so even if I find anyone that means he is probably just as messed up health and genetic wise as me.

6. I haven't found anyone anyway

I haven't found the right guy and I doubt I will. I admit I don't put in effort because when I used to put in effort I just got rejected anyway because of my unattractiveness mostly. I'm fine with being alone forever but that does relate to one of the reasons why I wouldn't have children. The only thing I'll regret about this maybe is intelligence. I'm not personally intelligent but my family is and I thought maybe that'll pass one if I ever have a child? But it sounds like it probably won't happen. If I got anything wrong scientifically in this please correct me.

Why I Won't Have Children
Why I Won't Have Children
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