The Fear of Death

The Fear of Death

The fear of death is something, most of us come across at one point in our lives. Some might overcome it and others may dread it for the rest of their lives until they lay down on their deathbed themselves. This 'myTake' is an effort in helping those who cannot grasp this fear and maybe to some extent it might help them rise above their fear and may also appreciate this blessing called 'Death'.

So lets begin by asking ourselves, why do we fear death? Even though we come across tens of such events during our lives. We might experience the death of a relative, our grandparents or even our parents, some of us may experience the death of a to-be-born baby, who just died in the womb of their mother. Maybe our friends or their relatives. Deaths occur all over the world. In fact so many people would have left this life, just as we speak. The fear of death may be caused because of three different reasons.

1. Maybe because we are attached to the material things of this life so much that we don't want to lose any of it.

2. Or we might be attached to the people in our lives that we hate losing them.

3. Or maybe we feel that after our own deaths, we will simply end up (contrary to the 2 popular beliefs of Reincarnation and an After-Life), which we don't want.

The Fear of Death

All of these are problems on their own. For instance getting attached to material things such as fame, riches, beauty etc. which in themselves are nothing but transient. We all know that everything in this life is to end sooner or later. Then why the attachment? Or maybe we get so absorbed in them that we forget that they will end someday. We get so occupied by these things that they snatch away our mindfulness of the fact that we are to lose them someday. Have we not seen rich people becoming poor? Have we not seen people losing their children either in wars or through some disease? Have we not seen or heard about or even read about children becoming orphans? Have we not seen long term relationships destroyed? Have we not seen people dying, those who are close to us and those who live far apart? Then why do we fall into this trap of attachment? Attachment in fact can be likened to the web of spider, we being the prey and our emotions being the spider ready to devour us.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: We don't own our own bodies let alone other things.

The other reason for fearing death is nothing but fearing being alone, or going into abyss from where there is no escape (at least in some people's minds). Taking into account the notions of Reincarnation (Life after Life), and an Everlasting After-Life, there is no doubt that we as normal human beings do not know what is to happen or what is to come after death and I am not imposing the Christian belief of an after-life or the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine of reincarnation. But simply denying the fact that there were teachers far superior in their minds and their will powers who could go into the desert or a cave or a jungle and fast for several days without end, indeed without a doubt there can be no similarities between us and them and the wiring of neurons in their brains and ours, and the fact of the matter is that almost all of these teacher when they reach to a certain degree of their meditations speak of the same things over and over again, regardless of the Time-Line, the Era, the Region or anything else. There might be a yogi in the Himalayas in the year 6000 BC and a Prophet in the year 900 AD and their teachings would be similar to one another (regarding the subject of death). There might be a Teacher by the name of Jesus, who even though may differ in his views regarding an All Mighty God, but yet his teachings regarding death will be similar to that of a Hindu Swami (who worships many gods).

Hence the notion of the fear of death can be dealt with, if looked into deeply with an open and a clear mind. Even though a person may be a Christian or a Buddhist or a Hindu, he can still benefit from the teachings of people of the past and the present who have dealt with the subject and dived deep into it. There might be those individuals who could understand these teachings better than others, but the important thing is not to understand these teachings, but to utilize them and put an end to the fear of that which is without a doubt inevitable, that is DEATH!

The Fear of Death

Live without fear. Be at Peace!

The Fear of Death
13 Opinion