Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.

Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.

We get excited when. We have a new sibling. Weather it is a brother and or a sister . We think " we will be the best for them .we will teach what right . We won't let them get hurt . " and much more . So why dont we stick to those things we say ? Why do we say one thing but it ends up to be another ? I know siblings dont really get along but we are not but humans . So what is the big deal ? Well here is my story and I will tell you right now I deeply regret it and miss them very badly and hope to see them one day .

Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.

I've had siblings that passed away during miscarriages. But my 2 siblings ( I won't say there names .. to protect there identity) . I miss them so much and love them just the way they are . I promised them I will protect them , I will not let anything bad happen to them , I was gonna be a great sister to them and etc . Well unfortunately that didn't happen. My words didn't stay . My promises were broke to them . Yeah they were little but I am still sure they do remember. It broke me a lot .

Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.

Well I tried my damndest to take care of them,. But it was hard for me because I had to deal with my mom crap , and my step dad crap , clean the house from top to bottom , taking care of my dogs , run errands , etc . I was doing it all at once . You may think oh that easy . No it not easy when you have a mom who doesn't do crap but sit on her ass and wants u to do crap for her and much more . I was so overwhelmed , frustrated, angry, upset that I literally took it out on my brothers. And I regret it every day for everything . Trust me ... it not something u want to experience. Once your sibling is gone you have no idea what they remember, and how hurt both of y'all will be , and when y'all will see them again . I haven't seen nor heard from my brothers in 3 years now ( excluding this year ) . I do hope one day I will see them again and hope they will accept me into there lives again , and hope they do forgive me .

Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.
Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.

I want to leave some words for y'all and hope y'all from this story will be with your siblings and never forget them and be with them no matter what . Dont say anything and or do anything that you will regret In your life . Your siblings yes you may fight or argue over little things or big .. but dont ever forget they need you . And your siblings and yourself will remember everything that has happened . Show them the direction which way to go . Dont give up on them even if they did you or you did them wrong . Ask for forgiveness. Even if you screw up it time to keep going forward and not look back . Even if they dont show it or say it enough siblings do love each other.

Siblings.. dont face alone. My story.
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