To my "best friend"

To my best friend

You called me your "best friend" but where are you? After all the times I was there for you, made time for you, sacrificed for you, you disappear. You were struggling mentally, physically, financially. I tried everything in my power to get you out of it. Every step of the way I was there supporting and encouraging you. Everyone told me I was better off letting you drown on your own and that I was better off avoiding people like you. I went against them all because I cared about you! I couldn't just leave someone in need.

You say you "miss me" but where's the effort. You only speak when I reach out. You barely speak, you give me short and dry responses until I just give up talking.

I confided in you, told you how sad and disappointed I was feeling. You barely acknowledged my pain and quickly turned the focus back to you. Brushed off my issues and was more interested in telling me about a whore trying to fuck you.

You wanted me and when I rejected you, you stopped being around. I thought the friendship was real, but really you were working your way into my pants. You lied and said that no matter what we were, you would be by my side. I gave so much to you out of the pure kindness of my heart. I wanted to see you do well and you just wanted to see me naked. I wanted to be a good friend to you but you didn't appreciate all that I have done for you. I empathized with you, your pain was my pain. You didn't care about my pains though. You faked it real well at the beginning, but where are you now?

To my "best friend"
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