Why do some women become single mothers?


Of Beggars and Liars [Part I]: Why do some women become single mothers?

I'm not going to attempt to make a fully fledged series out of different topics but I am planning to add four parts on different topics (It'll hopefully make sense later). Anyways, this is going to be difficult to cover in a single mytake so if I miss anything, let me know. I want to hear what you say.
Why do some women become single mothers?

Mytake inspired by KelleyNice's commentary here

I'm sure you've heard that the number of single parent households, especially single mothers, has been on the rise for a few decades already. Why? For some background, around 25% of American children live with only one parent (That's around 11 million households) of which the majority is led by a mother (80%).

Divorce tends to run in families

Divorce is the one of the main ways women become single moms. Studies such as McGue and Lykken (1992) and D’Onofrio and colleagues (2007) have noticed that children of divorced parents are more likely to have rocky marriages that lead to divorce. The latter study noted that multiple personality factors that lead to divorce, like antisocial behavior and being higher in neuroticism, is heritable.

Negative emotions, poor impulse control, and divorce

Neuroticism relates to experiencing negative emotions more strongly, including depression and anxiety. Poor impulse control explains itself. Someone who is naturally more negative may also be more likely to start arguments, especially when there's unresolved disputes. couples may start arguing about martial roles or if there's major differences in age, religion, educational level etc. According to the Research gate article, this is especially true for women and wives tended to cite martial unhappiness and constant arguing as a reason for divorce. Women also tend (not always) to be higher in neuroticism than men.

Things associated with poor impulse control, such as drinking or drug use, increased the chances of divorce for both genders. smokers start in their teens and usually in times of high depression and anxiety. Teen smokers are 5x more likely to drink than non-smokers.

Education and poverty

Another thing is economic status which both the study and Ludwig Fred Lowenstein (Source 6) mention as couples with less education and of lesser [financial] means were more likely to divorce. The higher the couple was on the two, the less likely they were to divorce.

How does the law and single parent homes affect children?
How does the law and single parent homes affect children?

Liberal divorce laws increases divorce, as now people are more freely able to leave their partners. The articles mostly focused on divorce statistics in the United States and the United Kingdom. The UK experienced a growth of divorces post-war, with an increase of welfare and general benefits available for women. The US experienced their increase during the 1970s and 80s. In the majority US divorces that included children, the mother was the one that kept custody (65%). As of 2021, only 20 states have considered moving towards favoring shared custody. This fatherlessness and the disintegration of the family is often cited as a reason why there has been an increase of violence, crime, and substance abuse in the country. Study done by Kelly (2000) noticed that the children had more adjustment issues than children of non divorced parents. Divorced parents were also more likely to describe their children as difficult. Burns and Dunlop (2000), in a longitudinal sample of
Australians who were teens during the divorce, noted that these people were less socialized and had more relationships. The quality of these relationships were described as poorer by those who viewed themselves less favorably when they were teens.

According to the single mother guide, 52% percent of single mothers never were married (29% of them did get divorced), 29% were unemployed with 22% receiving unemployment benefits, 62% received food stamp and 38% lived in poverty.

What effects do you think this has on the current dating and relationship landscape? Do you have any personal opinion on this?


1. https://singlemotherguide.com/single-mother-statistics/

2. https://financesonline.com/single-parent-statistics/

3. https://pewrsr.ch/2xzW0x9

4. https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/

5. https://uvamagazine.org/articles/the_marriage_crisis#:~:text=Only%20about%20half%20of%20Americans,before%20the%20age%20of%2030.

6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233326654_Causes_and_Associated_Features_of_Divorce_as_Seen_by_Recent_Research

7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2923822/

8. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-smoking-youth/smoking-linked-to-teen-alcohol-drug-use-u-s-study-idINN2327528220071023

9. https://utahdivorce.biz/national-child-custody-statistics-by-gender/

Why do some women become single mothers?
84 Opinion