Boyfriend in jail who won't talk to me, write to me, or basically let me see him.

OK, so the update for this crazy story with the boyfriend in jail who won't talk to me, write to me, or basically let me see him.(because he thinks I lied about things). His bunky in jail who is a mutual friend of ours, calls me and lets me know what is going on. The bunky, and my boyfriends mother both are telling me, Steve is mad that I lied, but he is also calling me crazy and a STALKER! How do you stalk someone that is in jail? I think all the drugs have fried his brain. I am DEF. DONE WI TH HIM. However, I need your guys advice on this. I wrote a 3 page letter to him about a month ago, basically a pity letter, saying how I did everything for you, and your doing this, blah blah. I wish I could take it back now. BUT my question is should I just leave it alone, and not say anything, or should I write him a short letter, basically cursing him out. My friends think I should write him a short letter cursing him out, and letting him know I don't give a s* about him, and he is a pos. like make him feel stupid, or should I not write anything at all. I don't want him thinking, I'm waiting for him to call me, or anything like that. I want him to feel stupid. advice advice. lol
Boyfriend in jail who won't talk to me, write to me, or basically let me see him.
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