How can I reject a friend's request to borrow my clothes without creating hurt feelings/conflict?

I have a history of letting an old roommate borrow a few of my things; at first, I didn't mind at all, until she started automatically reaching for my stuff that I gave her permission to borrow previously (consent once isn't consent forever!) and by the end of the year, I noticed that I had a few things missing because of that. I've definitely learned my lesson, but now I don't want anyone borrowing my clothes anymore, especially since I am now starting to buy better quality (and sometimes more expensive) things. However, I've come to realize that back then, I was very afraid of conflict and although I'm not as bad, I don't want to be seen as mean or selfish, but I need to know how to say no.

So how can I say no to people asking to borrow my clothes in the most dipolomatic and nice way possible, while being firm and holding my ground?
How can I reject a friend's request to borrow my clothes without creating hurt feelings/conflict?
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