Is my bestie avoiding me because of her sexuality?


Have you had a similar situation? How did things turn out for you?

My best friend has been my friend for a loooooooong time. Lately she has started to be more distant. When we do meet and talk she acts normal and seems to care about our friendship, but when we don't meet she might ignore my messages and calls. However, she has told me she does this to everyone and I shouldn't take it personally.

She used to be very interested in hearing about my love life, and she likes to talk about dating and such. Lately she has started to avoid the subject.

When we were a little drunk she told me something about herself she hasn't told to anyone. I had somehow expected to hear it. She told me she is lesbian and likes women. I reacted like it was no big deal and told her she should tell about her girl-crushes. But she stayed silent.

I didn't think it was weird in that moment, but later I've started to feel weird about the fact she didn't tell me about them.

I've started to think she might like me. It feels kinda heartbreaking, because she is my best friend, but my love for her is only platonic. I don't wanna lose her... What should I do? Is there anything to do about it?

Maybe I am overreacting? (I usually do overthink things) I hope so!

Is my bestie avoiding me because of her sexuality?

Is my bestie avoiding me because of her sexuality?
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