Were your parents the type to ground you or spank you?

Lmao my mom knew grounding was a waste. To tell a kid you can't have dinner is just neglectful. To take away the tv, is just pointless, especially in a household where everyone does so. I understand taking away video games though... but to take away my phone? Like come on. That happened only once 🤣 if i pay the bill, its not getting taken. And even if you take my cell phone, i still called everyone off the housephone while you were at work haha. A spanking was the quickest solution... get it over with and go on about your day. I’d prob just lecture my kids and give em the occasional smack against the back of the head, but grounding em just ain't happening.
#FeelFreeToList #CrimeAndPunishment
Were your parents the type to ground you or spank you?
Were your parents the type to ground you or spank you?
I got grounded
I got spanked
I got lectured
I got smacked upside the head
I got that whisper in the ear
I got none of the above
I got all of the above
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Were your parents the type to ground you or spank you?
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