Is my friend right or wrong for holding grudges against her mother?

She's my age by now (29) and her son is 13 years old. She can't forgive her mother because the lady literally kicked her out of the house when she got pregnant, told her not to ever come back, that she was a shame, that she's dead to her, forget she has a mother and other horrible things.

The lady has been trying to get her forgiveness for the past 10 years, trying to meet her grandson but she wants nothing to do with her mother. She reminds her that she's no longer her mother since, she wasn't there when she needed her the most, that she can go take a hike, that she'll never forgive her ever, etc. My friend still doesn't understand what mother kicks out a then underage child. She was 15 when telling her mother about it (and getting thrown out) and gave birth at 16.
Right... fully agree with her
Wrong... disagree with her
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She claimed, her heart hardened when her mother kicked her out. She gives in consequences and that consequences for that lady is losing her daughter for good and never ever having access to her grandson.
Is my friend right or wrong for holding grudges against her mother?
4 Opinion