Does my mom seem a bit immature?

My mom is 69 and seems to me that she acts immature.

Here's some of the things she's done, not listing everything because it's a lot.
  • Sometimes if I help her or give her something she says things like "I think you love me", "I think you like me", or "What are you trying to get?" and "What do you want from me?".
  • Sometimes she fixes drinks (like teas) in a large container and gives me a size that you match a medium size or a small size cup at a fast food place like burger king, and then tells me that should last me 3 days or at least a week. While she multiple jars of it.
  • A few weeks ago I asked her if she could take me to the doctor because I wasn't feeling well and was hurting and she got made a sigh and said she'll take me in a few hours and said she'll check to see if her sister could take me. But when she needs to go she asks others and no one hesitates.
  • This morning I was making breakfast at 6 AM and she comes out her room into the kitchen and stares at me, and I asked her whats wrong? And she goes to the bathroom and slams the door ignoring me.
  • She sometimes leaves the toilet seat with water, urine, and what ever some type of skin crust thing and it's so annoying. I told her once but she got upset when I told her about it, and I told her nicely.
  • Sometimes I'll explain to her about me looking for a job and my plans on saving up to move out and she says "You're trying to leave me?" or says "Can I come live with you when you get a house?" but at the same time when she gets upset about something she always says "You need a place of your own?" Which I agree with but she switches.
  • Whenever I'm explaining something to her or having a conversation she always cuts across me when she thinks she knows something without letting me finish.
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+1 y
One time I was typing an email to an employer on my computer and she was said got disappointed and said "Use two spaces not a single space after each word, I taught you that when you were in middle school." I told her most websites and websites use a single space while typing. And she said "no they don't if you look you'll see that they don't". And I tried to show her but she acted arrogant.
+1 y
She always plays her phone conversations on speaker. I told her once that she should probably not put it on speaker because someone may be discussing something
personal to her and better for privacy and she said "I don't care about that".
Does my mom seem a bit immature?
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