Would you teach your kid that it’s ok to hit someone to defend themselves?

Not me getting into an argument at the playground with the other parents 💀
The other day, I took my daughter to the park and some little boy who was twice her size kept pushing her and putting his hands on her. His dad was sitting there watching and wasn’t even saying anything.
I marched right over to that kids dad and told him to grab his fucking kid and that he should be teaching his son not to put his hands on girl half his size.

this is why I’m teaching my daughter to stand up for herself and if someone is hitting her and pushing her around (or if some boy is touching her inappropriately) , she has my permission to punch them in the face…HARD. 🙃
If my kid hits your kid because they were being a little shit, that’s not my problem. You and your kid can go cry about it
Would you teach your kid that it’s ok to hit someone to defend themselves?
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