Am I in a toxic relationship? Does he not want to be with me anymore?


Long distance interracial relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years, & we met in college. I’m South Asian & he’s African American. The relationship had ups & downs, but a lot of the issues were caused by his bad behavior & communication. Don’t get me wrong, I made mistakes too, but he has done a lot more than me. At first, I told him the situation with my family being from a conservative strict household that they wouldn’t approve of us. Because of this, I don’t plan on them developing a bond since I personally don’t like my family much as well. He was fine with it until his mom kept harping about how he deserves a loving in-law family every time I am mentioned.

Recently, I was kind of upset with him since he didn’t text me the whole day & let me know that he made it home safe. Out of nowhere, he stated that he has been so unhappy for a “long time” with my family situation in regards to our relationship to where he wanted to end it. I was shocked since this came from nowhere, & have been working on figuring out a solution about it like how to start the convo with my mom. He kept making a point to only hear him out, & no solution is needed. But, if it’s gotten that serious to where he wanted to throw it away over something I can’t control, things needs to be done differently. He kept reiterating the same information I already knew.

But, he was really rude to me about it to the point I was crying & told him he hurt my feelings. He didn’t apologize about that nor acknowledged that I am figuring things out on my own now since he’s not contributing much into this research/planning. We agreed to do couple’s counseling for this since we had counseling before for communication skills, and that was his responsibility to schedule it which he hasn’t yet.

I believe he’s being rude on purpose at this point for no reason since I never did anything wrong, I don’t treat him any differently because his mom doesn’t approve of me either. I’m not sure what to do, what do you think?

Am I in a toxic relationship? Does he not want to be with me anymore?
2 Opinion