Do I have a reason to be annoyed?

I have some aunts visiting us at my moms house because my dad passed away couple weeks ago. Its so annoying because I just want to be in my room alone im depressed dont wanna be talking or around them dont have energy. They keep wanting to go to places and I have to go or else they are gonna be disappointed that my mom can't go since we need 2 cars. They also keep saying how skinny I am which is fuckin annoying since I been going to the gym and building some muscle. Its an everyday comment about my body like 5x a day. Then if im serious they ask why am I serious like hmm my dad just passed. Also im driving my car and they say "you look too fragile to drive this car haha". I feel its more put downs if anything and I been more serious each day

Do I have a reason to be annoyed?
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