My older brother is lazy and entitled and broke. Should I help him buy a house and car?


My older brother is lazy and entitled and broke. He refuses to get a proper job or take responsibility for his adult life. He claims he has a disability but he refuses to try to get disability payments. He’s argued with me many times and can’t see that he is to blame for his own situation. He wants me to look after him his whole life. If I ever have the money to buy him a house, should I? Do I have an obligation to help him even tho he refuses to take even small steps to help himself? What do you think? He refuses to take any steps to help himself. Should I help him? If I don’t he won’t have anywhere to live if I moved out

Yes you need to help him. He needs the help
No. He needs to see consequences of his actions
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My older brother is lazy and entitled and broke. Should I help him buy a house and car?
2 Opinion