Should I distance myself from an alcoholic friend?

I have been good friends with this girl for about 7 years now. For most of those years, everything was great and we got along well. However, over the past year after she had gone through some pretty difficult life situations, she started to turn to alcohol as a way to cope. It's got to the point where she goes out most days of the week and drinks large amounts of alcohol until she's highly intoxicated. We are both in our 30s, so it's not like we are still in our party days. This is new behavior for her. When she gets drunk, she's been lashing out at many close friends including myself and has said some pretty hurtful things. I tried to confront her one night about the drinking and asked if she had a place to stay since she probably wasn't good to drive. She responded by yelling at me in a very aggressive, angry tone and told me to basically mind my business, and said she was capable of taking care of herself. I had never seen her act in such a way! It honestly scared me and made me feel unsafe.

I've bent over backward, trying to be there for her. I know she's been through a lot, and I wanted to continue to stay close to her but I don't know if I can handle how aggressive she's been towards me! I need advice. I've never dealt with this sort of thing before. Should I distance myself from her?
Should I distance myself from an alcoholic friend?
5 Opinion