Trying to understand my reestablished friendship?


I have a tough time figuring out the nuances of body language. I am on the autism spectrum. Anyway, I befriended this person at work. She seemed interested also. We were both excited when we hang out at a coffee shop and talked for awhile. At work we both smiled at each other and I felt great I found this great friend.

Well, one day I saw her. We chatted for a bit then gave her a hug. Unfortunately, I created an awkward situation. Normally I kiss my best friend’s head so without thinking I did this to my new friend. It freaked her out because in the past she had a horrible situation with someone trying to hit on her. She thought, understandably, I was doing the same. I truly wasn’t. I care about her but I see her as a good friend. I apologized for what I did and told her that I will be more mindful. I even told her that I am in the autism spectrum. Despite explaining to each other where we came from, we became distant. I felt horrible about it but I tried to let it go.

Recently, I notice signs that she may want to befriend me again. Once I saw her walking into my office then immediately walk away when I caught a glimpse of her. When I felt comfortable talking to her again at work, I told her about the exciting news that I got a second interview at a job. She showed a lot of excitement for me which shocked me. The next time I saw her, she asked me how did the interview go. In one interaction, I asked her if we can hug. She smiled looked to the left then hugged me. In general she seems more comfortable talking to me more. I know she is still nervous. Heck I am nervous that this friendship will end again suddenly. Since I got the great news of the third interview at this job, I took a chance and asked if if she wanted to continue our friendship after I quit this job for the next job. She said she was open to it.

I guess I am asking if I am being delusional that this friendship could be mended or my mistake is fatal and that she just simply felt sorry for me.

Trying to understand my reestablished friendship?
4 Opinion