Is it normal to feel this way?

Today is the Friday i've been looking forward to all week-long wishing school would be over so I can enjoy the weekends. But every Friday night , I come home realizing that I have absolutely no one to enjoy my days off with. I have nobody to laugh with, hug, share the ups and downs of life, nobody to go on road trips with or have fun with. At my school, my classmates are literally the only people that I have. We joke around... they're my social life... they're my family... they're my only connection to the world. So every weekend, I feel like just returning to work / school so I can feel like I'm still a part of this world. I just feel isolated at home.

Of course you may say... just go out to bars to meet people. I have went out to bars... nobody ever talks to me. I just sit there like a dumb lonely fish while everyone is with their friends. I have tried joining fitness classes... I've only met 1 girl over the course of 3 months and we weren't even friends but only acquaintances. Its very easy to make acquaintances but so hard to make new friends. People would talk to me when its convenient for them but won't grab a coffee with me unless they have an incentive to.

Is it normal to feel this way?
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