Should I bother to tell them my real age?


This isn't a pitty story but as a teen I was never cool, I had no friends, I didn't get invited to parties, I failed at everything, I spent my lunch I'm the disabled toilets. I was pretty much treated like a freak due to the fact I had learning disabilities and was made a outcast.

I was so glad once I left school and started sixth form but even then I struggled to make friends as it was sixth form were I didn't know anyone and I was the only white kid. Over time I mixed in a little but I had no close friendships.

I got used to being invisible and a loner sometimes I actually enjoyed it but I always longed to have a big group of friends who all cared about me and enjoyed my company.

I work a regular job in a warehouse because I have no one it's saved me a lot of money compared to others my age so I have my own town house.

My work hires a lot of students and they all assume because I look young but I'm a student too and I'm the same age as them if not younger. I'm actually 25 I feel like I'm in that flim "never been kissed before" I've never said I was a student or that I was not 25 they've just not dug that deep yet.

They all assume I have rich parents and that's why I live in a town house. They all think I'm super cool and want to be my friends and it feels so nice sometimes I could cry at the fact people like me for me and want me around. They invite me out on nights out and to parties.

I have hot 19 to 20 guys asking me out and texting me late at night which I just leave on read because I don't like younger guys like that. Which just drives them crazier.

I've all a sudden became miss popular at work and it's all very strange. I feel once they realise I'm older then them they might not think I'm cool anymore.

I know I'm only like 7 years older at most but to these young people age really matters.

Should I bother to tell them my real age?
2 Opinion