I’m bipolar so I can’t tell if I’m over reacting and being manic rn?

Well, my sister (30) and her two kids (6/7) live with me and my daughter (5) in my 2bd2ba apartment. They’ve lived with me for 2 1/2 years and my sister doesn’t work. She handles the childcare (taking my daughter to and from school), well, she sent me a video of her yelling at my daughter this morning telling her to get her shoes on for school and my daughter was throwing a fit because she took her tablet.. understandable.. but the way she was yelling at and talking to my daughter really pissed me off..

I get home and let my daughter use my tablet after having a talk with her about getting dressed for school (I have an iPad and it’s faster than her $50 android tablet so I let her use it from time to time).
My daughter went to the kitchen table and sat down with the tablet and my sister got up slammed her shit and took it all into the room. My daughter completely oblivious as to why my sister is acting this way..

She seems to single out my daughter. When her 7 year old daughter and my daughter get into a disagreement, she will tell my daughter to go somewhere else vs telling her daughter to go somewhere else. My daughter typically doesn’t listen to my sister simply because her own kids don’t listen to her and she lacks the ability to effectively discipline without screaming at the top of her lungs.

Well, my sister has made comments to our older sister that she can’t wait to move and this and that and it’s like cool… ungrateful but cool.. so my daughter says things to her in retaliation such as “I can’t wait for you guys to move.” Or “this isn’t your house” when my sister tells my daughter to move.. and honestly, I take my daughter aside and tell her she cannot talk to adults like that.. cause it isn’t nice, but deep down, she’s saying exactly what I want to say.. and don’t say to keep the peace… well, I simply want to break my lease now and move out.. with just my daughter and I… is that too much to… extreme? What can I do in this situation?
I’m bipolar so I can’t tell if I’m over reacting and being manic rn?
2 Opinion