Is she taken up for him on purpose because she don't like me too?

So i brought it to my mom's attention that her brother, my Uncle doesn't like the both of us. And the Reason is because she asked him to take her to get her blood pressure medicine and he told her NO! Then he would Invite others to one of his parties and Never invited her. I remember when i was a Kid, he left my siblings and I in the house with pot on the stove. He was Like 30 at the time. She also said he sold her $1300 stereo and had stole money from her. One time, HE said to my mom, I can't never stay with him. He even left me at the market one time because i didn't pay him. Smh Now, Let me explain what SHE, My mom did towards me. She said she hope my kids die, she accused me of wanting her boyfriend and then she put me out of her house when i was 19 IN COLLEGE After i told her my brother, her son was stealing from me. She said that it was my fault. I need to hide it so he won't find it
Smh Is she taken up for her brother because She doesn't like me too?
Is she taken up for him on purpose because she don't like me too?
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